magistrsko delo
Kristijan Korez (Author), Riko Šafarič (Mentor), Karl Gotlih (Mentor), Suzana Uran (Co-mentor)


Delo opisuje razvoj sistema za ultrazvočno merjenje višine na principu triangulacije. Ideja izhaja iz realnega primera izravnave terena z rovokopačem. Kadar operater rovokopača dela izravnavo terena, ima običajno problem s pravilno višino in vodoravnostjo. Prav tako ima težave tudi pri zagotavljanju konstantnega padca oz. nagiba terena (kanalizacijsko omrežje). Težko je namreč vizualno oceniti naklon in želeno višino terena. Zato je bil naš cilj izdelati cenen, robusten in preprost merilni sistem, ki bo omogočal operaterju rovokopača izmeriti višino terena glede na določeno referenčno višino. Skozi magistrsko delo je bilo izvedeno načrtovanje in modeliranje filtrirno-ojačevalnega sistema. Veliko časa smo namenili preučevanju vpliva posameznih morebitnih napak na končno napako v izmerjeni višini. Celoten sistem je bil v prvi vrsti izdelan v obliki računalniških simulacij. Pri tem smo glede na simulacijske odzive preučevali primernost in uporabnost sistema ter morebitne težave. Po zadovoljivih simulacijskih odzivih smo se lotili izdelave realne aplikacije. V zaključni fazi dela so potekali praktični testi in meritve na realnem modelu.


ultrazvok;traingulacija;merjenje;filtriranje;ojačenje;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: K. Korez
UDC: 681.5.08:531.717.3(043.2)
COBISS: 22044438 Link will open in a new window
Views: 864
Downloads: 98
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ultrasonic hight measurement on the triangulation principle
Secondary abstract: The work describes the development of a system for ultrasonic height measurement on the principle of triangulation. The idea is derived from a realistic example of a levelling of the terrain with a JCB. When the operator of the JCB is levelling the terrain, he usually has a problem with the correct height and horizontality. He also has problems in ensuring a constant drop or tilt of the terrain (sewerage system). It is difficult to visually assess the incline and desired height of the terrain. Therefore, our goal was to create a low-cost, robust and simple measuring system, which will allow the operator of the JCB to measure the height of the terrain according to the specified reference height. Through the master thesis, the design and modelling of the filtering and amplification system were carried out. We spent a lot of time studying the impact of individual possible errors on the final error at the measured height. The whole system was primarily designed in the form of computer simulations. In doing so, according to the simulation responses, the suitability and usefulness of the system and possible problems were studied. Following satisfactory simulation responses, we began to create a real application. In the final phase of the work, practical tests and measurements were made on the real model.
Secondary keywords: ultrasound;triangulation;measuring;filtering;gain;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mehatronika
Pages: X, 92 str.
ID: 11000641
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