magistrsko delo
Dominik Jakša (Author), Darja Matjašec (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava sedem vstopnih točk, od koder vodijo poti proti vrhu Šmarne gore. Na podlagi terenskih raziskav obstoječega stanja prostora naloga podaja predlog nove ureditve vstopnih točk, razporejenih okoli vzpetine. Prva polovica naloge predstavi analitični del, analize obiskanosti prostora in zasedenosti parkirišč ter analize zahtevnosti poti na Šmarno goro. Druga polovica pa se osredotoča na probleme, predlaga načine reševanja teh problemov in prostorske preureditve vstopnih točk.. Predlagane rešitve so upočasnjevanje prometa skozi naselja ob vstopnih točkah, izboljšava orientacije z ureditvijo novih površin za pešce in z ustrezno zasajeno in izbrano vegetacijo, ukinitev divjih parkirišč, ter uvedbo novih parkirnih površin, umeščenih tako, da ne ovirajo pohodnikov in so čim manj moteča za naselja. Za boljšo optimizacijo orientacije in prometne varnosti se doda nova urbana oprema in ponekod v naseljih uredi pločnike, označi pohodniške steze, uredi skupne površine za pešce in motorna vozila, motorni promet pa se upočasnjuje z enakomerno oddaljenimi hitrostnimi ovirami. Dobro načrtovana optimizacija prostora bi privedla k boljšemu ravnovesju med pešci in motornim prometom, promet v naseljih bi zaradi hitrostnih ovir, ožjega cestišča in posebnega tlakovanja potekal bolj umirjeno.


krajinska arhitektura;oblikovanje krajine;vstopne točke;Šmarna gora;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [D. Jakša]
UDC: 712.2(497.4 Šmarna gora) (043.2)
COBISS: 9176441 Link will open in a new window
Views: 804
Downloads: 215
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Regulation of entry points to Mount Saint Mary
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis researches seven entry points, leading towards the top of Mount Saint Mary. On the basis of field investigations of the existing state of the space, the task presents a proposal for a new arrangement of entry points scattered around the hill. The first half of the project presents an analytical part, analyzes use of space and occupancy of parking lots and complexity of the routes to the top. The other half focuses on problems, proposes ways of solving these problems and the spatial reorganization of entry points. The proposed solutions are slowing down traffic through the settlements at the entry points, the improvement of orientation with the regulation of new surfaces for pedestrians and with appropriately raised and selected vegetation, the abolition of wild parking lots and the introduction of new parking spaces, located so they are not hindered by hikers and are as impassable as possible for the settlements. In order to optimize the orientation and traffic safety, new urban equipment is added, new hiking trail marks, organized areas for pedestrians and motor vehicles, and motor traffic slows down with equally distant elevated parts of the carriageway. Well-planned optimization would lead to a better balance between pedestrians and motor traffic, and the traffic in settlements would be more moderate due to speed barriers, narrow road and special paving. The task deals with 7 entry points, and the proposed arrangements are presented for each one separately.
Secondary keywords: landscape architecture;landscape design;entry points;Mt. Saint Mary;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: VIII, 81 f.
ID: 11002324