diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Tilen Omejc (Author), Simon Vrhovec (Mentor)


Danes je eden izmed najpomembnejših napredkov v tehnologiji umetna inteligenca (UI). V sodobni tehnologiji je njena prisotnost vse večja in razvoj pametne tehnologije nam na marsikaterem področju olajšuje življenje. Prav hitrost njenega razvoja pa lahko povzroči nekatere negativne posledice. Pogosto se srečamo z vprašanjem zasebnosti, saj so podatki ključnega pomena za razvoj UI. Ker je razvita tehnologija lahko izrazito boljša, hitrejša in natančnejša kakor človek, je njena prisotnost dobrodošla na različnih področjih, kot je na primer uporaba rehabilitacijskih robotov v zdravstvu. Po drugi strani pa lahko predstavlja tudi moč države in njene vojaške zmogljivosti. Cilj naloge je bil pregled zavedanja uporabe UI v vsakdanjem življenju in ravni zaupanja do novih najnaprednejših tehnologij. S pomočjo 63 anketirancev, ki so izpolnili spletni vprašalnik, smo pridobili mnenja o uporabi, poznavanju, percepciji, zaupanju in zavedanju UI. Na podlagi teh rezultatov smo potrdili štiri hipoteze, eno zavrnili, treh pa zaradi pomanjkanja korelacije ni bilo možno niti potrditi niti zavrniti. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da se več kot polovica vprašanih zaveda uporabe UI v vsakdanjem življenju, odnos do nove tehnologije pa je bolj pozitiven pri tistih, ki se njene navzočnosti bolje zavedajo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je povprečno zaupanje v prihajajoče tehnologije z UI (npr. samovozeči avtomobili) precej nizko. Navkljub prednostim, ki jih prinaša razvoj UI, naši rezultati kažejo, da javnost še ne zaupa dovolj v tako napredno tehnologijo. Še več, anketiranci v povprečju niso pokazali pripravljenosti za implementacijo UI na področjih, kjer bi bile napake lahko usode, tudi če bi bila ta že dovolj razvita.


diplomske naloge;umetna inteligenca;tehnologija;aplikacije;zaupanje;varnost informacij;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [T. Omejc]
UDC: 004.8:343(043.2)
COBISS: 3655658 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2240
Downloads: 498
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Application of artificial intelligence in everyday life and its security challenges
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, one of the most important advances in technology is artificial intelligence (AI). In modern technology, its presence is rapidly growing, and the development of smart technology makes life easier for many people. Nevertheless, the speed of its development can lead to some negative consequences. Among them we often encounter the issue of privacy due to the data being of key importance for the development of the AI. Because the developed technology can be significantly better, faster and more precise than a human, its presence is welcomed in various fields, for example the usage of rehabilitation robots in healthcare. On the other hand, its developmental status can also represent the strength of the state and its military capabilities. The object of the study was to investigate the awareness of the AI usage among students in everyday life and the level of trust in the latest and the most advanced technological advancements. With the help of 63 respondents, whose answers were collected using an online questionnaire, opinions on the use, knowledge, perception, trust and awareness of the AI have been obtained. Based on the results, four hypotheses were confirmed, one was rejected and three could not be confirmed or rejected due to a lack of correlation. We have concluded that more than half of respondents are aware of the use of AI in everyday life and that the attitude towards new technology is more positive for those who are better aware of their presence. However, we also found that an average trust in the upcoming technologies with AI (e.g. self-driving cars) is quite low. Our results show that the public does not yet have the trust in such advanced technologies, where the errors could be fatal. Furthermore, the answers reveal that the trust would not increase in the near future, even though the AI was adequately developed.
Secondary keywords: artificial intelligence;technology;applications;trust;information security;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 31 str.
ID: 11002895
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