magistrsko delo
Marina Kokalj (Author), Darja Matjašec (Mentor), Marko Dobrilovič (Co-mentor)


Naravna ohranjenost območja in klima sta bila med glavnimi razlogi za ustanovitev Mladinskega zdravilišča in letovišča na rtu Debelega rtiča. Da ima lokacija zdravilne učinke dokazuje dejstvo, da je bila v 18. stoletju v bližini bolnišnica za kužne bolezni, leta 1909 so v Valdoltri odprli okrevališče za otroke, ki je danes vodilna bolnišnica na področju ortopedije, v neposredni bližini pa je deloval tudi sanatorij za pljučne bolezni. Mladinsko zdravilišče in letovišče je bilo zaradi blagodejne mikroklime, vpliva morja iz ponudbe zdravstvenih storitev razglašeno za klimatsko zdravilišče. Ob stavbi uprave se gradi Center Obala za otroke in odrasle s posebnimi potrebami, ki naj bi svoja vrata odprl jeseni 2018. Zaradi širjenja programov zdravljenja in ponudbe se kaže potreba o preureditvi in obnovi zunanjega prostora. Park, zdaj urejen kot arboretum, ima velik potencial za ureditev terapevtskega vrta, izvajanje terapij na prostem in ponuja veliko raznolikih športnih dejavnosti tako na kopnem kot tudi v morju. Predlog ureditve parka upošteva naravovarstvene statuse in raznovrstne uporabnike. Načrtovana orodja in igrala v parku so primerna za igro, kot tudi za izvajanje fizioterapije tako za otroke, odrasle in za osebe na invalidskih vozičkih. Raznovrstnost načrtovanih tekstur, barv, zvokov in vonjav rastlin bodo zbujala čute uporabnikov v senzoričnem vrtu, kot tudi po celotnem parku.


Debeli rtič;klif;načrtovanje parka;terapevtski vrt;senzorični vrt;zdravilišče;letovišče;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Kokalj]
UDC: 712.25:614.214(497.4Debeli rtič)(043.2)
COBISS: 9107833 Link will open in a new window
Views: 776
Downloads: 266
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Park design at Center Obala for children and adults with special needs and at youth and health resort RCS Debeli rtič
Secondary abstract: Natural conservation of the area and climate are two of the main reasons for establishing Youth and health resort at Debeli rtič. Location's health benefits were recognized in 18th century when there was nearby hospital for infectious diseases. In Valdolrta in 1909, there was opened youth health center, nowadays this is the main hospital for orthopedics. There was sanatorium for pulmonary diseases that operated with health center. Youth and health resort was proclaimed as climatic resort because of its beneficial climate, sea influence and health service. Next to administration building there is new Center Obala for children and adults with special needs that is supposed to open in fall 2018. Because of dissemination of programs and health service there is need of rearrangement and restoration of outdoor space. Park, now arranged as an arboretum, has big potential for therapeutic garden and for conducting outdoor therapies as well for land and water sports. Park design takes into account the nature conservatium status and various users. Playground equipment is suitable for playing as well as for physiotherapy exercises, both for children, adults and for wheelchair users. The diversity of textures, colors, sounds and scents of plants is generated by users’ séances in the sensory garden as well as throughout the park.
Secondary keywords: cliff;park design;therapeutic garden;sensory garden;health resort;youth resort;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: VIII, 78 f., [5] f. pril.
ID: 11008811