magistrsko delo
Sanja Hrnčič (Author), Branka Vičar (Mentor)


V pričujočem magistrskem delu so predstavljene jezikovne in vizualne izbire za reprezentacijo begunk in beguncev v izbranem slovenskem tiskanem mediju. Kot gradivni vzorec so bili uporabljeni članki s temo begunstva iz Slovenskih novic, objavljeni med februarjem 2016 in junijem 2018. Glavni vzrok za množičen prihod begunk in beguncev v Evropo v letih 2015 in 2016 so, kot dokazujejo politični analitiki in kritiki imperializma (Chossudovsky, Chomsky, Vltchek, Seymour idr.), imperialistični posegi ZDA in njenih zahodnih zaveznic na Bližnjem vzhodu, evfemistično poimenovani humanitarne in protiteroristične operacije. Prihod begunk in beguncev je spremljala kriza odziva, ki se je odvijala po vsej Evropi in jo najizraziteje označujejo zapiranje meja, postavljanje ograj z rezilno žico in zavračanje prihajajočih begunk in beguncev. Slovenska migrantska politika je pri tem sledila evropski. Pri analizi izhajamo iz družbeno-semantične taksonomije kritičnega diskurzivnega analitika Thea van Leeuwna (2008) in reprezentacijske izbire interpretiramo s pomočjo njegove udeleženske mreže (angl. social actor network), s katero je mogoče prikazati homogenizacijo in dehumanizacijo družbenih skupin, kakor tudi njihovo pasivizacijo (tj. odvzem vršilskosti) v reprezentacijah družbenih dejanj. Preučujemo jezikovno in vizualno konstrukcijo begunk in beguncev ter vrednotimo njihovo vlogo pri konstituiranju proti begunske ideologije. Multimodalna analiza je pokazala, da reprezentacija begunk in beguncev v izbranem slovenskem tiskanem mediju reproducira diskurzivno drugost. Begunke in begunci so na eni strani reprezentirani kot vršilci negativnih, kriminalnih dejanj in tako predstavljeni kot nevarnost in grožnja, na drugi strani pa kot pasivne žrtve brez možnosti artikulacije lastnih družbenih in političnih potreb. Z izpuščanjem geopolitičnega konteksta iz reprezentacije je begunsko vprašanje rekontekstualizirano: prikazano je kot "problem", ki zahteva varnostno ali humanitarno rešitev, ne pa kot posledica imperialističnih vojn Zahoda.


magistrska dela;begunke in begunci;medijski diskurz;slovenski tiskani mediji;multimodalna kritična diskurzivna analiza;družbeno-semantični model;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Hrnčič]
UDC: 81'4:070:341.215.4-054.72(043.2)
COBISS: 24428552 Link will open in a new window
Views: 943
Downloads: 144
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrepresentation of refugees in Slovenian print media
Secondary abstract: This master thesis introduces the language and visual representation of refugees in chosen Slovenian print media. As a sample, articles about refugees from the newspapers Slovenske novice, issued between February 2016 and June 2018, were used. The main reason for the arrival of refugees in Europe in 2015 and 2016 were, according to political analysts and imperialism critics (Chossudovsky, Chomsky, Vltchek, Seymour etc.), imperialistic interventions of the USA and its western allies in the Middle East, euphemistically named humanitarian and counter-terrorist operations. The arrival of refugees was accompanied by a response crisis around Europe, which extent was shown by closing the borders, putting up barbed wires and prohibiting refugees to enter Europe. The Slovenian migrant policy followed the European policy in this matter. The analysis is based on the social-semantic taxonomy of the critical discourse analytic Theo van Leeuwen (2008) and we interpret the representational choices with the help of his social actor network, which enables the demonstration of homogenization and dehumanisation of social communities as well as their passivization (i.e. deprivation of action) in the representations of social acts. We study the language and visual construction of refugees and evaluate their role in constructing the anti-immigrant ideology. The multimodal analysis showed, that the representation of refugees in the printed media reproduces a discourse alterity. On the one hand, refugees are represented as people performing negative and criminal acts and therefore represent danger and threat, and on the other hand as passive victims without the possibility to articulate their social and political needs. Leaving out the geopolitical context from the representation, the refugee question is recontextualized: it is shown as a "problem" which requires a safety or humanitarian solution and not as a result of imperialistic wars of the West.
Secondary keywords: master theses;refugees;media discourse;Slovenian printed media;multimodal critical discourse analysis;social-semantic model;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnost
Pages: I, 69 f.
ID: 11022794