magistrsko delo
Angie Dežman (Author), Borut Škodlar (Reviewer), Andrej Starc (Mentor), Darja Thaler (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Poskus samomora in samomor sta v velikimeri iskanje komunikacije s soljudmi in svojevrsten apel oz. klic na pomoč. Obe dejanji se pod sočasnim vplivom mnogih razlogov in z omejenimi možnostmi zdravljenja pojavljata v vseh starostnih skupinah današnje družbe. Dejavniki tveganja se med seboj prepletajo in povezujejo ter tako poglabljajo samomorilno nagnjenje. Dejanje najtežje sprejemajo in predelajo bližnji/svojci. Izguba jih bremeni, povezana je z več čustvi: krivdo, jezo, nemirom. Pomembno je, da v stiski niso sami, da poiščejo pomoč svojcev in prijateljev, se poslužijo: pomoči nevladnih organizacij (krizni telefoni, klic v siliitd.) ali pa strokovne pomoči (osebni zdravnik, psiholog, psihiateritd.). Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti podporo, ki jo po samomoru posameznika potrebujejo bližnji/svojci, opis njihovega doživljanja po poskusu samomora posameznika, prikaz vrste pomoči in ugotovitve, ali jim je bila katera nudena ter ali so jo sprejeli. Metode dela:Uporabili smo kvalitativno paradigmo raziskovanja in sicer metodo namenskega vzorčenja in verižnegavzorčenja (t. i. metoda snežne kepe). Za izvedbo kvalitativnega dela smo uporabili metodo nestrukturiranega intervjuja. Rezultati: Bližnjim/svojcem so na voljo različne oblike pomoči v primerih poskusa samomora njihovega posameznika. Najuspešnejša oblika pomoči je odkrit pogovor o vzrokih/posledicah poskusa samomora posameznika. Poleg pogovora z družinskimi člani se kot uspešni obliki pomoči nakazujeta športna aktivnost in molitev. Razprava in zaključek: Glede na uspešne oblike pomoči bi lahko sklepali, da je poskus samomora še vedno občutljiva tema, ki je lažje in morda prej delijo z bližnijmi/svojci oz.v ožjem družinskem krogu, si pa želijo in so zelo pripravljeni deliti te teme z zdravstvenim osebjem s specialnimi znanji. Širše razprave o tembi pripomoglepri vzpostavitvi realnejšega odnosa do pojava in ljudi povezanih z njim. Zmanjšali bi se strahovi in nelagodja, verjetno pa tudi številni miti okoli samomora, ki zavirajo pravočasno ukrepanje.


magistrska dela;zdravstvena nega;samomori;poskusi samomora;svojci;oblike pomoči;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Dežman]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5581675 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1721
Downloads: 447
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Suicide attempt - experience and forms of assistance to relatives
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Suicide attempts and suicide are mostly search for communication with fellow humans and a unique appeal/call for help. Both actions occur without any known reasons and without major treatment options in all age groups of today's society. Risk factors are intertwined and interconnected, thus deepening suicidal tendencies. Relatives are those who find it most difficult to accept and process it. Loss is burdensome and it is associated with many emotions: guilt, anger, restlessness. It is important to avoid being alone when distressed, to seek help from close ones, and other sources of support: semiprofessional help (crisis phones, emergency numbers, etc) or professional help (personal physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc). Purpose: The purpose of the master's work is to present support that a loved one needs after the suicide, to describe their experience after attempted suicide, to identify the types of help, to find out whether any form of help has been offered and whether they have accepted it. Methods: In order to obtain a deep insight into the investigated research problem, we used the qualitative research paradigm. We chose the methods of dedicated and chain sampling (snowball method). Unstructured interview method has been used, which is a very rich source of data and allows for a thorough study of the phenomenon. Results: There are various types of help available to family members /relatives in cases of suicide attempts by their relatives. Most successful one seem to be close support and assistance from family members and/or spouse as well as the honest communication about the causes/consequences of a suicide attempt. In addition to communication with family members, sports activity and prayer are also indicated as successful forms of help. Discussion and conclusion: Considering the successful forms of support, it can be concluded that the attempted suicide is still a sensitive topic, which is easier and possibly shared with loved family members/ neighbors or in a close family circle, but they want and are very willing to share these topics with professional health personne. We must speak loudly about suicide both among laypeople and experts. This will help to establish a more realistic attitude towards the phenomenon and people associated with it. Fears and discomfort will be reduced as well as many myths, which are still intertwined around suicide, and tend to stop timely action. We can prevent suicide with full engagement of society (general prevention), health services, crisis centers and voluntary lay community (specific prevention).
Secondary keywords: master's theses;nursing care;suicides;suicide attempts;relatives;forms of help;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 78 str.
ID: 11026104