magistrsko delo
Leo Šamanić (Author), Primož Zidar (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali tematiko razširjanja invazivne vrste Lagocephalus sceleratus v vzhodnem Mediteranu. Raziskali smo, kakšne posledice je ta invazivna vrsta pustila na ekosistem vzhodnega Mediterana, predvsem na ribolov, kot pomembno gospodarsko dejavnost. Preučili smo biologijo in ekologijo srebrnoproge napihovalke ter njen možni vpliv na zdravje človeka. Poleg tega smo ocenili, ali srebrnoproga napihovalka predstavlja nevarnost za ekosistem Jadranskega morja. Naredili smo projekcijo širjenja vrste v Jadranu na podlagi podatkov pridobljenih z Inštituta za oceanografijo in ribolov v Splitu. Raziskovalni pristop, ki smo ga uporabili, je teoretična raziskava. Uporabljali smo temeljni instrument, literaturo v hrvaškem, slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Uporabljali smo tudi bazo podatkov Inštituta za oceanografijo in ribolov v Splitu. Ta raziskava lahko prispeva k razvoju ihtiologije in boljšemu razumevanju problematike invazivnih vrst v stoletju klimatskih sprememb.


invazivna vrsta;Sredozemsko morje;Jadransko morje;klimatske spremembe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Šamanić]
UDC: 57(043.2)
COBISS: 12334665 Link will open in a new window
Views: 672
Downloads: 83
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of silver-cheeked toadfish Lagocephalus sceleratus on the ecosystem of the eastern Mediterranean
Secondary abstract: In this Masters' thesis, we analyzed the topic of the expansion of invasive species Lagocephalus sceleratus in the East Mediterranean. We researched which consequences this invasive species has made to the ecosystem of the East Mediterranean, and, above all, on the fishing industry as an important economic activity. We researched biology and ecology of the silver-cheeked toadfish and it's potential influence on human health. We discovered that silver-cheeked toadfish represents a danger to the Adriatic sea ecosystem. In addition, the projection of the expansion of the species in the Adriatic sea was made on the basis of the data collected from the Institute of the Oceanography and Fisheries in Split. The research methodology used in this research was the theoretical research. We used the basic instruments as well as Croatian, English, and Slovenian literature. Furthermore, we also used the database of the Institute of the Oceanography and Fisheries in Split. This research will contribute to the development of ichthyology and to a better understanding of the invasive species issues in the century of climate changes.
Secondary keywords: biology;biologija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biologija in kemija
Pages: VI f., 35 str.
ID: 11036725
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