primer testiranja zaganjalnika Koala Phone Launcher
Aleš Grnjak (Author), Vesna Dolničar (Mentor), Andraž Petrovčič (Co-mentor)


Pametni telefoni združujejo funkcionalnosti različnih informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij ter lahko odpravljajo potrebo po ločeni uporabi telefonov, računalnikov, fotoaparatov in drugih digitalnih naprav. Medtem ko aktivno prebivalstvo in mladi množično uporabljajo pametne telefone, starejši še vedno v večini posegajo po enostavnih mobilnih telefonih. Ključna razloga za neuporabo pametnih telefonov med starejšimi sta (zaznana/pričakovana) zahtevnost uporabe in nizka motivacija starejših, ki pogosto izvira iz njihovih psihofizičnih omejitev. Kot odgovor na te izzive so se na trgu pojavili zaganjalniki, ki omogočajo prilagoditev in poenostavitev uporabniškega vmesnika na pametnem telefonu. V magistrskem delu smo želeli oceniti uporabnost zaganjalnika Koala Phone Launcher in ugotoviti, kakšne so najpomembnejše težave, s katerimi so se starejši uporabniki srečali med uporabo zaganjalnika. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo za zbiranje podatkov uporabili metodo testiranja uporabnosti, ki smo jo nadgradili še z metodo glasnega razmišljanja, da bi odgovorili na dve raziskovalni vprašanji. Rezultati so pokazali, da prilagojena zasnova uporabniškega vmesnika zaganjalnika Koala Phone Launcher povečuje uspešnost, učinkovitost in zadovoljstvo pri starejših, vendar pa se slednji ob uporabi srečujejo tudi s težavami (ob uporabi naprednih, večinoma nepodprtih funkcionalnostih zaganjalnika). Ugotovili smo, da bi bilo treba za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje med starejšimi zaganjalnike bolj celostno – tako z vidika funkcionalnosti kot vmesnika – integrirati v operacijski sistem pametnih telefonov.


psihofizične omejitve;starejši;testiranje uporabnosti;zaganjalnik;Pametni telefoni;Starostniki;Uporabniki;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [A. Grnjak]
UDC: 004.7:621.395.721.5-053.9(043.3)
COBISS: 36054621 Link will open in a new window
Views: 826
Downloads: 254
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Usability of age-friendly designed smartphones: A usability test of Koala Phone Launcher
Secondary abstract: Smartphones combine functionalities of many information and communication technologies and can eliminate the need of a separated utilization of phones, computers, cameras, and other digital devices. While most active and young people use smartphones, older adults predominantly stick to feature phones. The key two reasons for a low level of use of smartphones among older adults are related to the (perceived/anticipated) complexity of use and their low motivation which stem from psychophysical limitations of older adults. To cope with older adults’ specific needs, smartphone launchers have appeared on the market. They include an adapted user interface in order to make the use of a smartphone less complex. This master thesis aims to assess the usability of the Koala Phone Launcher and explores what are the most important issues experienced by older adults in this context. In the empirical part of the master thesis usability testing in combination with the think aloud method is employed to answer two research questions. The results showed that the adapted design of user interface of Koala Phone Launcher leads to better performance, efficiency and satisfaction among older adults. However, they also experience problems (when using advanced, mostly unsupported features of the tested launcher). In order to improve the user experience of older adults, a better integration of launcher's features and interface with a smartphone operating system would be needed.
Secondary keywords: Smartphones;Older people;Users;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 92 str.
ID: 11042344
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