magistrsko delo
Matic Antončič (Author), Matevž Obrecht (Mentor)


Za nabavo oz. nabavno funkcijo je nekoč veljalo, da je njena primarna naloga zgolj naročilo, prevzem ter plačilo materialov. Dojemanje te funkcije se je v sodobnejših časih precej spremenilo. Močna konkurenca na vseh področjih, spremembe ter prilagajanje tržišču so vodstva podjetij prisilila, da nabavni funkciji v podjetjih namenjajo vse več pozornosti in pomembnosti. Ob dejstvu, da v svetovnem povprečju nabavni stroški predstavljajo 60 odstotkov lastne cene končnega produkta, je bil razvoj nabavne funkcije povsem normalen korak. Glede na proučeno strokovno in znanstveno literaturo pa levji delež dodane vrednosti predstavljajo tudi optimalno zastavljeni poslovni procesi in aktivnosti, ki potekajo v njih. V okviru magistrske naloge smo analizirali in proučili nabavna procesa v izbranem podjetju, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo produktov za prosti čas. Prvi proces je namenjen nabavi materialov za redno proizvodnjo, drugi pa je povezan predvsem z iskanjem novih materialov na trgu. Naš namen je bil predvsem analiza omenjenih dveh procesov ter ugotavljanje, kako bi bilo pretočnost aktivnosti možno optimizirati in na ta način povečati učinkovitost posameznega procesa.


optimizacija;nabavni procesi;nabava;proizvodna podjetja;učinkovitost;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Antončič]
UDC: 005.4
COBISS: 512989245 Link will open in a new window
Views: 862
Downloads: 144
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimization of procurement processes in the selected company
Secondary abstract: It was once considered that the primary task of purchasing or the purchasing function was merely ordering, receiving and paying for materials. The perception of this function has changed considerably in modern times. Strong competition in all areas, changes and adaptation of the market have forced company managements to pay more and more attention to the importance of the purchasing function. Given the fact that the global average purchasing costs account for 60 percent of the final price of the end-product, the development of the purchasing function was expected. According to the professional and scientific literature considered, a lion’s share of added value is also represented by optimally set out business processes and related activities. Within the framework of this master’s thesis the purchasing processes in a selected company engaged in the production of leisure products were analysed and studied. The first process is aimed at purchasing materials for regular production, the second is mainly related to the search for new materials on the market. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the two processes and determine how fluidity of the activities could be optimised to increase the efficiency of each process.
Secondary keywords: optimization;purchase processes;supply;production companies;efficiency;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: XI, 90 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 11045415