magistrsko delo
Nina Urbič (Author), Maša Knez Hrnčič (Mentor), Željko Knez (Co-mentor), Darija Cör (Co-mentor)


Cilj magistrske naloge je bil določiti topnost učinkovine paracetamol v superkritičnih plinih. V naši raziskavi smo uporabili argon, propan in ogljikov dioksid. V visokotlačni celici smo spreminjali temperaturo in tlak ter spremljali kako se obnaša paracetamol v superkritičnih plinih, ki združujejo lastnosti plinov in tekočin. Paracetamol smo si izbrali zato, ker je ena najbolj razširjenih aktivnih snovi na svetu in jo najdemo v najbolj razširjenih farmacevtskih protibolečinskih izdelkih, ki jih lahko dobimo brez recepta. Topnost paracetamola smo določili s statično – analitično metodo, z jemanjem vzorcev iz zgornje faze, saj je le - ta bogata s plinom. Ugotovili smo, da je topnost paracetamola v vseh treh plinih (argon, propan in ogljikov dioksid) skoraj povsem neodvisna od temperature, narašča pa s tlakom oziroma z višanjem gostote plina. Z uporabo postopka visokotlačne mikronizacije PGSSTM smo paracetamol vezali na biopolimer trilaurin s pomočjo ogljikovega dioksida kot topila. Ogljikov dioksid je deloval kot plastifikator. Molekule plina se z lahkoto vrinejo med verige polimera in povzročijo znižanje viskoznosti polimernega nosilca ter s tem povečajo prosti volumen polimera. S spreminjanjem tlaka ter temperature lahko vplvamo na lastnosti produkta mikronizacije; na porazdelitev por, njihovo velikost in obliko. S pomočjo tehnike PGSSTM smo zmanjšali velikost delcev in tako povečali površino materiala in posledično izboljšali profil raztapljanja učinkovine.


paracetamol;superkritični plini;biopolimer;ogljikov dioksid;argon;propan;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [N. Urbič]
UDC: 54-139:615.212(043.2)
COBISS: 22249238 Link will open in a new window
Views: 990
Downloads: 80
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Formulation of paracetamol into polymers with supercritical gases
Secondary abstract: The main purpose of this Master's thesis was to determine the solubility of an active substance paracetamol in supercritical gases. In our study we used argon, propane and carbon dioxide. We were changing the temperature and pressure in the high-pressure cell and simultaneously observing the paracetamol’s behavior in supercritical gases, i.e. gases that combine the characteristics of gases and liquids. We selected a paracetamol because it is the most common active substance world-wide and it is found in the majority of pharmaceutical painkillers that may be obtained without a prescription. The gas solubility in paracetamol was determined by static – analytical method by taking samples from the upper phase which represents the gas rich phase. The solubility of paracetamol in all three gases is almost independent from the temperature; however, it increases with higher pressure or with increase in gas density. Using the PGSSTM process, paracetamol was bound to the biopolymer of trilaurine by using carbon dioxide as solvent. A carbon dioxide has functioned there as a plasticizer as the molecule of gas has returned between the chains, and therefore, it caused a decrease of viscosity and simultaneously increased a free volume of polymer. By varying the pressure and temperature, we may control the allocation of pores, their size and shape of the micronitzed material. Using PGSSTM technique, we reduced the size of the particles and reduced the surface of the material, and enhanced the dissolution profile of the active substance.
Secondary keywords: paracetamol;supercritical gases;biopolymers;carbon dioxide;argon;propane;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: XI, 47 str.
ID: 11045460
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