diplomsko delo
Mitja Simončič (Author), Primož Pori (Reviewer), Branko Škof (Mentor), Marko Pocrnjič (Co-mentor)


Dinamika skupne nogometne igre je v veliki meri odvisna od različnih oblik teka, katere zavzemajo večino aktivnosti v igri. Analize nogometne igre potrjujejo, da je večina tekov še vedno srednje in nizke intenzivnosti, da pa s kakovostjo igre raste tudi količina hitrih tekov in šprintov. Gibanja igralcev niso odvisna samo od količine ciklično-acikličnega gibanja, ampak tudi od njegove intenzivnosti. To pomeni, da je uspešnost v igri odvisna tudi od funkcionalnih sposobnosti organizma. Diplomsko delo je prispevek k informiranju strokovnih kadrov o vključevanju testov funkcionalnih sposobnosti v nabor standardiziranih motoričnih testov. Delo je razdeljeno na dva dela. V prvem delu je predstavljena teoretična plat sodobne nogometne igre, uspešnosti in selekcije, drugi del pa predstavlja opravljeno raziskavo. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti povezanost rezultatov v posameznih testih vzdržljivosti z uspešnostjo v nogometni igri in njihovo medsebojno povezanost. Uporabili smo naslednje teste: trajajoči sem-tja tek, tek na 600 metrov, Cooperjev test, kvadrat test 5x(4x15m) in oceno uspešnosti v igri. Preizkušanci v našem raziskovalnem delu so bili dijaki 3. in 4. letnika nogometnih oddelkov Gimnazije Ljubljana Šiška. V vzorec preizkušancev je bilo vključenih 24 nogometašev, starih od 16 do 18 let. Preizkušanci so že bili selekcionirani, saj so že pred sprejetjem v nogometni oddelek opravili standardizirane motorične teste. Merjenje smo opravili z vzdržljivostnimi testi in oceno igre njihovega trenerja s pomočjo obrazca s petstopenjsko ocenjevalno lestvico. Izmerjene in pridobljene rezultate smo analizirali s programom SPSS Statistics. Izračunali smo osnovne statistične kazalnike. S Pearsonovim korelacijskim koeficientom smo izračunali povezanost vzdržljivostnih testov z uspešnostjo v igri in njihovo medsebojno povezanost. Z regresijsko analizo smo izračunali v kolikšni meri statistično značilno povezan test vpliva na uspešnost v igri. Z multiplo regresijo smo preverili, kateri vzdržljivostni test v največji meri pojasnjuje uspešnost v igri. Rezultati diplomske naloge so pokazali, da je kvadrat test 5x(4x15m) statistično značilno povezan z uspešnostjo v igri (r=-0,432, p=0,035), in sicer predstavlja 18,7% vpliv na uspešnost v igri. Ugotovljena je bila tudi delna medsebojna povezanost vzdržljivostnih testov.


šport;nogomet;sodobna igra;analiza nogometašev;dejavniki uspešnosti;selekcija;obremenitev;napor;vzdržljivost;povezanost;meritve;rezultati;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [M. Simončič]
UDC: 796.332
COBISS: 5504689 Link will open in a new window
Views: 573
Downloads: 166
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The correlation between different endurance tests and playing success among the students of 3rd and 4th year football class sections at Šiška high school
Secondary abstract: To a great extent the dynamics of football games depends on the manner of running, which is the most active movement in the game. The analyses of football games confirm that most of the running during the game is of low or middle intensity, and they also show that the increase of fast running and sprints improves the quality of the game. The movements of the players do not depend solely on the quantity of the cyclic-acyclic movement, but also on its intensity, which means that the playing success depends on the functional capability of one’s organism as well. This thesis contributes to informing the personnel about including the tests of functional capabilities into the collection of the standard motor ability tests. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first part sums up the theory about the contemporary football play, playing success, and selections, and the second part focuses on the carried-out research. The aim of the thesis was to discover the correlation between the results of the separate endurance tests and the playing success, and their intertwining connection. The following tests were performed: the shuttle run test, the 600m run, the Cooper test, the test of running in the square 5x(4x15m), and the evaluation of playing success. The participants in our research work were the students of 3rd and 4th year of the football class sections at Gimnazija Šiška (Šiška High School). The sample included 24 football players aged from 16 to 18. The selection was made beforehand, for all the football players had to pass the standard motor ability tests to get accepted to the football class section. The measurements were done using the endurance tests and the assessment of the game given by their coach, who used the five-degree grading scale. The obtained results were analyzed with SPSS Statistics program. We calculated the basic statistical indicators. With the Pearson correlation coefficient we calculated the correlation between the endurance tests and the playing success, and their intertwining connection. With the regression analysis we calculated to what extent the statistically typically connected test influences the playing success. With the multiple regression we checked which endurance test best explains the playing success. The results of the thesis show that the test of running in the square 5x(4x15m) is statistically typically connected to the playing success (r=-0,432, p=0,035), for it represents the 18,7% influence on playing success. The partial intertwining connection of different endurance tests was also discovered.
Secondary keywords: football;young people;endurance;playing success;connection;measuring;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 11061072