magistrsko delo
Barbara Veindorfer (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Raziskave o zavzetosti dokazujejo, da zavzetost zaposlenega močno vpliva na njegovo produktivnost. Zavzeti zaposleni razvijajo svoje potenciale in gradijo dobre medsebojne odnose, zato so takšni zaposleni največje bogastvo za organizacijo. Na drugi strani nezavzeti zaposleni le pasivno opazujejo dogajanje, ne delajo ne v škodo in ne v dobro podjetja in poskušajo neizstopati iz povprečja. Največjo škodo za podjetje predstavljajo aktivno nezavzeti zaposleni, ki negativno vplivajo na produktivnost podjetja, hkrati pa namerno zavirajo razvoj ostalih zaposlenih. Zvestobe oz. zavzetosti organizacije ne morejo ukazati ali je zahtevati. Pomembno je, da poskrbijo za dobro vodenje, kar pomeni, da ima vodja z zaposlenimi dober odnos, jasno komunikacijo, hkrati pa jim omogoča nenehno rast in razvoj. V magistrskem delu želimo ugotoviti stopnjo zavzetosti zaposlenih v Podjetju X. Sestavljeno je iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in empiričnega. V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelimo in razčlenimo pojem zavzetosti, nato predstavimo ovire do večje zavzetosti in podamo priporočila, kako ovire odstraniti in povečati zavzetost zaposlenih. V nadaljevanju opišemo glavne komponente zavzetosti. Med omenjene spadajo motivacija, zadovoljstvo, organizacijska klima, komunikacija med zaposlenimi, organizacijska pripadnost in kot zelo pomembna komponenta tudi vpliv vodenja na zavzetost zaposlenih. Ni dovolj, da je prisoten samo en dejavnik, ampak vsi skupaj predstavljajo pomembno vlogo in vpliv na stopnjo zavzetosti zaposlenih. Opišemo tudi merske inštrumente, s katerimi lahko pridemo do odgovora o stopnji zavzetosti, prav tako predstavimo tudi intervence na organizacijskem in individualnem nivoju. V empiričnem delu predstavimo raziskavo in njene rezultate. Raziskava je bila opravljena v Podjetju X, v njej je sodelovalo 20 zaposlenih. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kateri dejavniki najbolj vplivajo na zavzetost zaposlenih, kakšen je vpliv vodij na zaposlene in najpomembneje, ugotoviti, kakšna je stopnja zavzetosti zaposlenih v Podjetju X. Z rezultati smo prišli do ugotovitve, da je večina zaposlenih nezavzetih.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Veindorfer]
UDC: 331.101.32(043.2)
COBISS: 13332508 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1177
Downloads: 352
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Measurement of employee engagement in the company X
Secondary abstract: The research on engagement proves that the employee engagement really affects his/her productivity. Engaged employees develop their potential and build good mutual relationships that is why they are the biggest treasure for the organization. On the contrary, unengaged employees only passively observe happenings, they don’t do good nor harm to the company and they just try not to stand out a mile. The biggest prejudice for the company represents actively unengaged employees, who negatively affect productivity of the company and at the same time intentionally hinder the development of other employees. Loyalty or engagement cannot be requested by the organizations. It is important that they take care for good leadership, where it is important for the leader to have a good relationship and clear communication with his/her employees and at the same time they should be allowed to grow and develop constantly. In the master thesis we would like to determine the level of employee engagement in the X Company. It is composed of two parts, theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part the concept of engagement is defined and analysed followed by the obstacles that can hinder the engagement and how these obstacles can be removed and thus the employee engagement increased. It is followed by the description of the main engagement components. These are motivation, satisfaction, organizational climate, communication among employees, organizational belonging and most important the influence of leadership on employee engagement. It is not enough for only one factor to be present but they all together represent an important role on the employee engagement level. Described are also measuring instruments, which can give us the answer on the engagement level. Introduced were also interventions on the organizational and individual levels. In the empirical part the research and its results are presented. The research was performed in the X Company, where 20 employees participated. With this research we wanted to determine what factors mostly affect the employee engagement and how the leaders influence the employee and most importantly to determine what is the employee engagement level in the X. Company. The results reveal that the majority of the employees are unengaged.
Secondary keywords: employee engagement;employee;leadership;belonging;organization’s efficiency;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 73 str.
ID: 11081858