diplomsko delo
Teja Kos (Author), Olga Denac (Mentor), Marta Licardo (Co-mentor)


Dnevna rutina v vrtcu je nekaj stalnega, dogovorjenega, ponavljajočega, kar poteka vsak dan in zavzema velik del otrokovega življenja v vrtcu. Otrokom s stalnostjo in rednostjo zagotavlja občutek varnosti ter možnost predvidevanja, kaj se bo zgodilo in kaj bo sledilo. Dnevno rutino sestavljajo segmenti: prihod in odhod, obedovanje in malica, spanje/počitek, osebna nega: toaleta, umivanje in pospravljanje ter prehodi iz ene dejavnosti v drugo. Zasledili smo nekaj nasvetov kot primerov dobre prakse med dnevno rutino - otrokom naj bi skrajšali čas čakanja v koloni, zmanjšali neaktivnost, zmanjšali čas pospravljanja, ublažili nelagodje ob prihodu v vrtec, utrdili čustven stik in spodbujali komunikacijo med otrokom ter vzgojiteljico in v medvrstniških odnosih, pripravili primerno vzdušje pri počitku, zagotovili participacijo otrok pri pospravljanju in drugih opravilih ter moteče spremembe naredili umirjene in zanimive. Menimo, da togost, ki jo z vso to stalnostjo in ponavljajočim se dogajanjem prinaša dnevna rutina, otrokom ne dopušča preveč fleksibilnost in so s tem prijetno vodeni prehodi med segmenti dnevne rutine onemogočeni. Zato smo dnevno rutino obogatili z glasbo, s katero smo zagotovili zgornje nasvete primerov dobre prakse. Glasba je del kurikula, natančneje spada pod področje umetnosti - glasbena umetnost. Z načrtovanimi glasbenimi dejavnostmi razvijamo otrokov celostni razvoj. Glasba s svojimi značilnostmi in pestrostjo spodbuja ljudi, jim ponuja občutenja različnih občutkov, ter združuje skupine in jih povezuje. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali na ustreznost izvedbe obogatitve dnevne rutine z glasbenimi dejavnostmi. Pokazale so se statistično značilne razlike pred začetkom in ob zaključku izvedbe a) na področju čustvenih odzivov, zlasti pri zmanjšanju izražanja negativnih čustev, trme in drugih čustvenih težav pri prehodih, b) na področju medsebojnih odnosov, zlasti pri bolj aktivnem sodelovanju otrok in zmanjšani udeležbi v konfliktih ter c) na področju motiviranosti otrok, zlasti glede povečane motivacije za sodelovanje, zmanjšanju časa, ki je bil potreben, da se otrok vključi v dejavnost, zmanjšanem nemiru in neodzivnosti otrok pri prehodih. Pridobljeni rezultati predstavljajo pomemben napredek pri vodenju dnevne rutine, kot tudi na glasbenem področju.


diplomska dela;dnevna rutina;glasba;otrok;vrtec;predšolska vzgoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Kos]
UDC: 373.2:78(043.2)
COBISS: 24520200 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1255
Downloads: 251
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Enrichment of a daily routine using musical activities
Secondary abstract: Daily routine in nursery school is constant, pre-arranged, and repetitive. It is something that takes place every day and occupies a large part of a child's life in nursery school. With its continuity and regularity, it ensures children a sense of security and the ability to anticipate what will happen next. Daily routine consists of the following components: arrival and departure, dining and snacks, sleep/rest, personal care: toileting, washing and tidying up; and transitions from one activity to another. We came across some daily routine tips as examples of good practice such as reducing the time children spend waiting in line, reducing the children's inactivity and their time spent on tidying up, diminishing uneasiness when children arrive at nursery school, improving emotional connections, encouraging child-educator interaction and peer interaction, creating an appropriate atmosphere for resting, ensuring children's participation in tidying up and in other tasks, and making interruptive changes seem calm and interesting. We believe that the rigidity of the daily routine does not offer children enough flexibility; therefore, smooth transitions between the daily routine components are impossible. For this reason, we enriched the daily routine with music, with the help of which the above examples of good practice were ensured. Music is a part of the curriculum, more precisely it belongs to the field of art; music art. The planned music activities help to promote whole-child development. Music, with its characteristics and varieties, encourages people, stimulates different types of emotions, unites and connects groups. The results of our research show that the enrichment of the daily routine with musical activities was properly implemented. There are statistically significant differences between the beginning and the end of the implementation in the following fields: a) emotional reactions,especially in minimizing the expression of negative emotions, stress and other emotional problems during transitions; b) interpersonal relationships,particularly in more active children's participation and diminished participation in conflicts and c)child motivation - especially in children's higher motivation for participation, the reduction of the time needed to involve a child in the activity and in the decreased agitation and non-responsiveness of a child during transitions. The results represent significant progress in managing the daily routine as well as in the field of music.
Secondary keywords: theses;daily routine;music;child;nursery school;preschool education;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 70 f.
ID: 11082952