magistrsko delo
Romi Borak (Author), Jernej Letnar Černič (Mentor)


Kompleksnost in etična občutljivost področja oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo (OBMP) in posameznih tehnik asistirane reprodukcije (AR) privede do zelo raznolikega urejanja te tematike. Po preučitvi obstoječe literature, domače in tuje zakonodaje ter analize različnih pravnih ureditev je mogoče sklepati, da je nemogoče najti dveh držav, ki bi dopuščali enake tehnike in postopke, določali enaka merila za dostop in na enak način izvajali sofinanciranje. Najbolj se države razhajajo pri določanju starosti uporabnikov teh storitev, načinu sofinanciranja ali povračila stroškov, ureditvi nadomestnega materinstva in darovalskem programu. Tudi načini ureditve se od države do države razlikujejo, saj nekatere to področje urejajo z zakoni, spet druge imajo postavljene zgolj smernice. Nedvomno k temu razlikovanju pripomore še pomanjkanje skupne politike na višji ravni. Vsi relevantni mednarodnopravni in evropski dokumenti določajo namreč le določene smernice in cilje, države same pa izbirajo oblike in načine za dosego le- teh. Vse to pa vodi v reproduktivni turizem, s katerim se etična dilema v določeni državi ne razreši, temveč se zgolj premakne v drugo državo. Zaradi odprtih meja in prostega gibanja državljanov EU dandanes države ne morejo parom preprečiti, da bi pomoč poiskale v tujini, in ravno zato bi si EU morala bolj prizadevati za poenotenje tega področja, a ne z določanjem postopkov, ki naj bi jih države izvajale, temveč z vzpostavitvijo ustreznih mehanizmov in določitvijo načinov izvedbe.


nadomestno materinstvo;oploditve;reprodukcija;starševske pravice;reproduktivni turizem;biomedicina;družinsko pravo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [R. Borak]
UDC: 347.63:17(043.2)
COBISS: 2053260470 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The complexity and ethical sensitivity of the Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) leads to a very diverse arrangement of this topic. After examining existing literature, domestic and foreign legislation and analyzing various legal arrangements, it can be concluded that it is basically impossible to find two countries that would allow the same techniques and procedures, set the same criteria for access to those techniques and co-finance in the same way. The countries are most divided in determining the age of users of these services, regarding the way of co-financing or defining the reimbursement of costs, the surrogacy arrangements and the donation program. Also, the ways of regulation vary from one country to another, as in some countries this area is governed by laws, while others have only some basic guidelines. Undoubtedly, the lack of a common policy at a higher level has also contributed to all these differences. All relevant international and European documents only set out some guidelines and objectives, and the countries themselves choose the forms and ways to achieve these goals. Consequently this leads to reproductive tourism, with which the ethical dilemma in some country are not resolved, but merely moved to another country. Because of the open borders and the free movement of EU citizens nowadays, countries can not prevent couples from seeking help abroad. And precisely because of that the EU should make more effort to unify this area, not by determining the procedures that countries should adopt, but by setting up appropriate mechanisms and determining the modes of implementation.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 94 str.
ID: 11100018