diplomsko delo
Medina Okić (Author), Jožica Peterka-Novak (Reviewer), Matic Kavčič (Mentor), Marija Milavec Kapun (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Sodobna obravnava pacientov s težavami v duševnem zdravju naj bi predstavljala ravnotežje med seboj povezanih bolnišničnih in skupnostnih služb. Program skupnostne psihiatrične oskrbe ne more zamenjati nobenega od obstoječih programov obravnave, lahko pa dolgoročno vpliva na manjšo obremenitev psihiatričnih bolnišnic in predvsem na manjše število nujnih obravnav v psihiatričnih ambulantah. Namen: Namen dela je raziskati obstoječe oblike skupnostne skrbi in predstaviti njihov vpliv na zdravje pacientov s težavami v duševnem zdravju, ugotoviti prednosti skupnostne skrbi za paciente, ugotoviti razširjenost psihiatrične skupnostne skrbi in predstaviti vlogo medicinske sestre pri tovrstni obravnavi pacientov s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Pri iskanju literature smo uporabili časovni okvir objave od leta 2003 do 2018. Literaturo smo iskali v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku v podatkovnih bazah in iskalnikih ScienceDirect, MEDLINE, Scopus in CINAHL, do katerih smo dostopali preko oddaljenega dostopa Univerze v Ljubljani. Vključili smo članke, ki preučujejo skupnostno skrb in ki so bili prosto dostopni v celotnem obsegu besedila. V analizo smo vključili 7 enot literature. Rezultati: Psihiatrična skupnostna skrb lahko vpliva na krajšanje dolžine in zmanjšanje števila hospitalizacij, razbremenitev družinskih članov oziroma neformalnih negovalcev in simptomatsko izboljšanje pacienta s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Pomemben del doprinosa psihiatrične skupnostne skrbi je kontinuirana obravnava pacienta. Razprava in zaključek: Skupnostna skrb je danes zelo pomembno področje dela in proučevanja, vendar so razvoj in raziskave področja še vedno v začetni fazi. Na področju skupnostne skrbi v Sloveniji primanjkuje raziskav in literature. Nadaljnje raziskave so ključne za razvoj in vpeljavo novih metod oskrbe pacientov s težavami v duševnem zdravju.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;negovalni timi;motnje v duševnem zdravju;psihiatrično zdravljenje;skupnostna skrb;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Okić]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5600107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1020
Downloads: 512
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Community mental health care; advantages, prevalence and the role of nurses
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Modern approach to dealing with mental disorders is supposed to represent the balance between interlinked hospital and community services. The community mental care program cannot replace any existing program, but in the long run, it can decrease the burden of psychiatric hospitals and the number of urgent admissions in psychiatric outpatient clinics. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to explore existing forms of community mental health care and present their influence on health of patients with mental disorders, to determine the advantages for patients with mental disorders, to establish the prevalence of community mental health care, and to determine the role of registered nurses here. Methods: We have used a descriptive method with a systematic review of literature. The selected articles were published between December 2017 and April 2018. Only literature in Slovenian and English language was included. We searched for articles in databases ScienceDirect, MEDLINE, Scopus and CINAHL, which were accessed using the remote access of the Digital library of the University of Ljubljana. We selected only articles focused on community mental helth care that were available free of charge. The final material for analysis included 7 units of literature. Results: Community care has proven to be beneficial and useful in shortening hospitalization times and reducing numbers of patients admitted to hospitals. Relief of family members of patients with mental disorders and improvement of the patients’ symptoms are two additional benefits of community mental health care that should not be overlooked. An important contribution of community mental health care is also a continuous treatment of the user. Discussion and conclusion: Today community mental health care is considered a topic of high importance, although it is still in its early stages of development and research. There is currently a lack of research and literature in the field of community care in Slovenia, and further research is crucial for development and introduction of new methods of care for patients with mental health disorders.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;nursing teams;mental health disorders;psychiatric treatment;community care;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 37 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 11104749