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Maja Prešern (Author), Petra Golja (Reviewer), Jelka Strgar (Mentor), Petra Golja (Thesis defence commission member)


Učitelji biologije so zelo pomemben člen v družbi, saj predstavljajo vez med raziskovalci, ki se ukvarjajo z evolucijo, in napačnimi predstavami, ki jih ima širša javnost o temi evolucije. Učitelji biologije lahko s svojim znanjem in načinom poučevanja evolucije močno vplivajo na učence, ki bodo kasneje predstavljali širšo javnost ali raziskovalce. Zato smo se v magistrski nalogi osredotočili na znanje študentov Biotehniške in Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani o evoluciji človeka. Pri tem nas je zanimala predvsem razlika med študenti biologije (Biotehniška fakulteta), ki večinoma ne bodo postali učitelji, in študenti biologije z vezavo (Pedagoška fakulteta), ki se šolajo za poklic učitelja. Ker evolucijo človeka v osnovni šoli pokriva le en učni cilj iz učnega načrta, je ta tema pri pouku manj podrobno obdelana. Naša raziskava je pokazala zadovoljivo znanje študentov Biotehniške in Pedagoške fakultete. Kljub temu pa se je pokazalo, da imajo študenti tudi napačna razumevanja oz. predstave o temi evolucije. Na podlagi ugotovljenih napačnih predstavitev smo na koncu pripravili primer učne enote, s katero bodo lahko učitelji pri svojih učencih dosegli čim večje razumevanje evolucije človeka.


evolucija človeka;znanje;študenti;Biotehniška fakulteta;Pedagoška fakulteta;učna enota;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Prešern]
UDC: 57:373.5(043.2)
COBISS: 12371785 Link will open in a new window
Views: 469
Downloads: 103
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Human evolution knowledge of the students of the Biotechnical Faculty and the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: Biology teachers are an important part of our society, linking researchers of evolution and common misconceptions about evolution amongst general public. Together with their knowledge and teaching of evolution, they can strongly influence students who will later become researchers or the general public. This thesis was therefore focused on the knowledge of human evolution among students of Biotechnical Faculty and Faculty of Education of University of Ljubljana. We were interested in the difference in knowledge about evolution between biology students (Biotechnical Faculty) whose primary choice of profession is not teaching, and biology students in the two-subject teaching program (Faculty of Education), who will become teachers. Primary school curriculum contains only one learning objective covering human evolution. This subject is therefore covered in less detail during lessons. Our research showed sufficient knowledge of human evolution among students of Biotechnical Faculty and Faculty of Education, nevertheless some misconceptions about human evolution were also present. Based on those misconceptions, a lesson plan was formed with the intention that teachers would use it in order for their students to better understand human evolution.
Secondary keywords: student;biology;študent;biologija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: XI, 68 str.
ID: 11106378