primer Lovra Kuharja - Prežihovega Voranca
Sarah Šantl (Author), Jasna Potočnik (Mentor)


Kulturni turizem je v svetovnem merilu vse bolj priljubljen in podobno lahko, sodeč po pregledu dostopne literature, trdimo tudi za literarni turizem. Z analizo trenutnih turističnih trendov na Koroškem, terenskim delom in intervjuji smo preverili, kako sta razvita v občini Ravne na Koroškem, da bi lahko na osnovi tega, ugotovili, kako je smiselno nadgrajevati razvoj literarnega turizma. Ker je Lovro Kuhar - Prežihov Voranc osrednja in najbolj znana literarna osebnost na Koroškem, smo se osredotočili na turistične produkte na njegovi osnovi. Raziskava je pokazala, da obstaja kar nekaj turističnih produktov, vendar so potrebni osvežitve, sodobnega pristopa in promocije. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da se na izboljšavah že dela in obstaja ogromno idej za nadgradnje obstoječih produktov, zato verjamemo, da bodo tudi naše ideje in predlogi, ki smo jih podali v okviru raziskave, v pomoč ravenskim turističnim deležnikom pri nadaljnjem razvoju turizma v občini in regiji, hkrati pa je prav nadaljnji razvoj literarnega turizma v regiji priložnost, da se prežihovstvo in koroška dediščina predstavljata in ohranjata tudi skozi turizem.


kulturni turizem;literarni turizem;občina Ravne na Koroškem;turistični produkti;Prežihov Voranc;Voranc;Prežih;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [S. Šantl]
UDC: 338.48-6:82(497.4 Ravne na Koroškem)
COBISS: 2048299603 Link will open in a new window
Views: 942
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Literary Tourism in Municipality Ravne na Koroškem
Secondary abstract: Cultural tourism is becoming more and more popular in the global tourism context, and, according to the review of accessible literature, we can claim the same also for literary tourism. By analyzing the current tourist trends in Carinthia, by employing field work and interviews, we examined how well they were developed in the Municipality of Ravne na Koroškem, so that we could determine how we could reasonably upgrade the development of literary tourism in the area. Since Lovro Kuhar - Prežihov Voranc is the central and most famous literary personality in Carinthia, we focused on the tourist products related to the famous writer. The research showed that there are quite a few tourist products based on the writer's heritage, but refreshment, modern approach and promotion are needed. We came to the conclusion that the improvements are already being worked on and there are huge ideas for upgrading the existing products, so we believe that our ideas and suggestions, which we have put forward in our research, will help the Ravne tourism stakeholders in further developing tourism in the municipality and the region; at the same time, further development of literary tourism in the region is an opportunity for the Prežih and Carinthian heritage be presented and preserved through tourism.
Secondary keywords: Cultural tourism;Literary tourism;Municipality Ravne na Koroškem;tourist products;Prežihov Voranc;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za turizem (UM)
Pages: 76, 17 str.
ID: 11108526
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