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Petra Štirn (Author), Jelka Strgar (Mentor)


Mikroskopiranje med učenci osnovne šole velja za eno izmed zanimivejših praktičnih dejavnosti, vendar mikroskop in njegovo delovanje pogosto težko razumejo. Učence pri delu z mikroskopom najbolj pritegne dejstvo, da lahko na ta način stvari, ki niso vidne s prostim očesom, dobro vidimo. V slovenskih osnovnih šolah se učenci z mikroskopom podrobneje seznanijo pri pouku naravoslovja v šestem in sedmem razredu. Učni načrt za naravoslovje vsebuje veliko ciljev, zato učitelji količinsko težko uresničijo zahtevo po praktičnem delu. Praktično delo pa je pri predmetu naravoslovje zelo pomembno. Učenci se pri tem aktivno vključijo v učno uro in se hkrati učijo postavljati vprašanja, oblikovati ideje in pojasnjevati. Vse to razvija njihove naravoslovne kompetence. Cilji naše raziskave so bili ugotoviti, kakšno predznanje o mikroskopu in mikroskopiranju imajo slovenski učenci šestega razreda. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi, ali je mogoče s posebej v ta namen pripravljeno učno pripravo izboljšati znanje učencev šestega razreda o mikroskopu in mikroskopiranju. Zanimalo pa nas je tudi, ali učence šestega razreda zanima mikroskopiranje pri pouku naravoslovja. Raziskavo smo izvedli na treh osnovnih šolah na Gorenjskem. Vzorec je sestavljalo 250 učencev šestega razreda. Podatke smo zbrali z dvema testoma znanja. Vmes smo izvedli učno uro mikroskopiranja. Učenci so na predtestu dosegli nezadovoljiv rezultat (45,1 %), medtem ko je bilo na potestu znanje o mikroskopiranju zadovoljivo (61,1 %). Ugotovili sem, da učenci veliko več znanja pokažejo, če se z njimi izvaja praktična ura pouka. S pomočjo svoje raziskave sem prišla do ugotovitev, da se je znanje učencev po izvedeni učni uri izboljšalo, saj so učenci prišli do spoznanja, da nam mikroskop ne pokaže najbolje podrobnosti na organizmu, ki ga opazujemo. Po izvedeni praktični učni uri so spoznali tudi, da nam vijaka ob strani mikroskopa slike ne bosta povečala ali pomanjšala, ampak jo izostrila. Naučili so se, kdaj je bolj primerno za opazovanje uporabiti mikroskop in kdaj povečevalno steklo. Vsekakor so učenci izkazali pozitiven odnos do predmeta naravoslovje in do mikroskopiranja.


mikroskopiranje;znanje;drugo triletje osnovne šole;naravoslovje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Štirn]
UDC: 57:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12425801 Link will open in a new window
Views: 595
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Knowledge of pupils in the 6th grade of primary school about microscopy
Secondary abstract: Microscopy among the students of the elementary school is believed to be one of the more interesting practical activities. However, they often have difficulties in understanding the microscope and its operations. While working with the microscope, students are attracted by the microscope on most occasions because one can see things which are not visible by a naked eye well with the microscope. In Slovenian elementary schools, the students are acquainted by microscope in more detail during the lessons of natural sciences in the sixth and the seventh grade. The curriculum for the natural sciences includes a lot of goals. Therefore, the teachers have difficulties in the realization of practical work from the perspective of quantity. However, practical work is very important within the subject of natural sciences. Students participate actively in the lesson. At the same time, they learn to ask questions, form the ideas, and explain. All this develops their natural science competencies. The goals of our research were to ascertain what kind of prior knowledge on microscope and microscopy Slovenian students of the sixth grade have. We also wished to ascertain whether it is possible to improve the knowledge of the students of the sixth grade about the microscope and microscopy with a lesson plan designed specifically for this purpose. We were also interested whether the students of the sixth grade are interested in microscopy within the framework of natural sciences lessons. We performed the research at three elementary schools in Upper Carniola. The sample was composed of 250 students of the sixth grade. We gained the data with two tests of knowledge. In the meantime, we performed a lesson on microscopy. The students achieved an unsatisfactory result (45.1%) on the pretest, while the knowledge on microscopy was satisfactory on the posttest (61.1%). We ascertained that students show much more knowledge if they participate in a practical lesson. By means of research, I came to the conclusion that knowledge of the students improved after the performed lesson as the students realized that the microscope does not show the details on the organism we watch the best. After the performed practical lesson we also realized that the knobs at the side of the microscope will not enlarge or minimize the picture: they will sharpen the picture. They learned when it is best to use the microscope to watch and when to use a magnifying lens. By all means, the students expressed positive relationship towards the natural sciences subject and towards microscopy.
Secondary keywords: biology;primary education;biologija;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predmetno poučevanje, Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Pages: VII, 57 str.
ID: 11137163