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Aneja Peršič (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor), Alenka Polak (Co-mentor)


Otroci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami lahko, kljub temu da so povprečno ali nadpovprečno inteligentni, zaradi primanjkljajev v poteku nekaterih psihičnih procesov, doživljajo neuspehe na posameznih učnih področjih, ki zavoljo pritiskov v okolju (previsoka pričakovanja staršev, šole ...) pripomorejo k nizki samopodobi, negativnim čustvenim stanjem ter vedenjskim in drugim psihosocialnim problemom. Da do takšnih težav, ki pomembno vplivajo na življenje otroka s SUT, ne pride oz. da se pojavljajo v čim manjši možni meri, je treba tem otrokom ponuditi pomoč, pri čemer je najprej potrebno prepoznati in razumeti njihove potrebe ter nato na podlagi ugotovljenih primanjkljajev načrtovati program pomoči s ciljnimi usmeritvami. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge smo ugotavljali trenutni psihosocialni položaj učencev s SUT in izboljšanje le tega z izvedbo različnih socialnih aktivnosti na ravni celotne skupine učencev. Vpliv izvedenih dejavnosti smo prikazali z odgovori na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja in s preverjenimi hipotezami, s katerimi smo želeli preučiti, kako socialne aktivnosti pripomorejo k izboljšanju socialne samopodobe, socialne sprejetosti in odnosov učencev s SUT z vrstniki. Za raziskovanje, ki smo ga izvedli v tretjem razredu na osnovni šoli Vide Pregarc, smo uporabili pristop akcijskega raziskovanja. Za zbiranje podatkov pa smo uporabili sociometrični preizkus, vprašalnik o socialni samopodobi, polstrukturirani intervju, ocenjevalno lestvico, strukturirano opazovanje in podatke iz strokovne dokumentacije. Cilj naše raziskave je bil na podlagi ugotovljenih psihosocialnih primanjkljajev otrok s SUT izdelati program socialnih aktivnosti in z njim pozitivno vplivati na razvitost socialnih veščin izbranih otrok s SUT. Rezultati kažejo, da je s programom socialnih aktivnosti že v krajšem časovnem obdobju mogoče spodbuditi razvoj socialnih veščin pri otrocih s SUT na individualni ravni, saj se je po koncu srečanj pri vsakem otroku s SUT pokazal napredek na določenih komponentah psihosocialnega položaja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da sta učenca z zmerno obliko specifičnih učnih težav bolj napredovala v razvitosti socialnih veščin in zato dosegla boljši psihosocialni položaj kot učenca s težjo obliko SUT oz. s PPPU. Kljub napredku v razvitosti socialnih veščin pri posameznih učencih s SUT pa po koncu izvajanja programa socialnih aktivnosti na ravni skupine ni prišlo do pomembnih razlik v socialni sprejetosti in socialni samopodobi, zaradi česar je mogoče zaključiti, da so bili učinki izvajanja programa socialnih aktivnosti na psihosocialni položaj učencev s SUT v krajšem časovnem obdobju majhni. Za resnično izboljšanje psihosocialnega položaja obravnavanih otrok bi bilo verjetno potrebno sam program izvajati celo šolsko leto in ne zgolj dva meseca.


učenci;socialna sprejetost;socialne aktivnosti;specifične učne težave;samopodoba;socialne veščine;psihosocialni položaj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Peršič]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 12427081 Link will open in a new window
Views: 499
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of pursuing social activities in classroom on psycho-social status of pupils with specific learning disabilities
Secondary abstract: Due to deficits in some psychological processes children with specific learning disabilities can experience failures on different learning areas despite being average or highly intelligent. Combined with pressures, arising from the environment (too high expectations from parents, school …) those deficits lead to low self-esteem, negative emotional states, behaviour and psychosocial issues. In order to avoid or eliminate those issues, which affect a child with SLD greatly, we have to offer to those children some help but first of all recognise and understand their needs and then, based on discovered deficits, plan a help programme with focus targets. In the empirical part we have been dealing with the research problem of establishment of the current psychosocial status of children with SLD and improvement of it by implement different social activities on the whole group of students. The impact of activities was shown with answers on given research questions and tested hypothesis, whose aim was to study the impact that social activities have on social self-esteem, social acceptance and relations SLD students develop with their peers. In research we used an action survey, performed in 3rd grade of Vida Pregarc Elementary School. For data gathering we used test of sociometry, social self-esteem questionnaire, half-structured interview, rating scale, structured monitoring and specialised documentation data. Research aim was to make a social activities programme based on discovered psycho-social deficits of SLD children. With this programme we could make a positive impact on social skills developed by selected SLD children. With social activity programme the results of the research showed that in short time period it is possible to impact the social skill development in individual since at the end of sessions every child with SLD showed some improvement on specific components of psychosocial status. We also found out that two students with moderate form of SLD improved their social skills more and therefore achieved better psychosocial status than two students with severe form of SLD. Despite the improvement of social skill development with individuals at the end of the social activity programme however showed no statistically important differences in social acceptance and social self-esteem as a group. Therefore we can conclude that the effects of the programme on psychosocial status in the shorter time period were minimal. In order to achieve significant improvement of the psychosocial status of those children the programme should be carried out during an entire school year and not only for two months.
Secondary keywords: teaching;learning difficulty;social learning;pouk;učne težave;socialno učenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: 170 str.
ID: 11137164