magistrsko delo
Marjan Horvat (Author), Liliana Brožič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno vodenje v širšem smislu in preneseno na vojaško organizacijo - Slovensko vojsko. Izhajajoč iz osebnih izkušenj pri dosedanjem delu na področju vodenja, smo v magistrskem delu analizirali številne primarne in sekundarne vire, izvedli analitično primerjavo med koncepti v izbranih drugih vojskah ter izvedli empirično raziskavo o ustreznosti Koncepta vojaškega voditeljstva v SV. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali zgodovinski razvoj vodenja, temeljne pojme, vire moči in predstavili lastnosti, ki bi jih vsak dober vodja moral imeti. Osvetlili smo tudi tri sodobne izzive vodenja, ki so se pojavili skozi evolucijo vodenja. Vojaško vodenje ima svoje posebnosti, zato smo v nadaljevanju usmerili raziskovanje na formalno urejenost vodenja v Slovenski vojski in izpostavili poveljevanje kot posebno obliko vodenja. Osrednja tema magistrskega dela je Koncept vojaškega voditeljstva v Slovenski vojski, ki trenutno predstavlja najvišji vsebinski in usmerjevalni normativni akt na področju vojaškega vodenja v Slovenski vojski. Zaradi tega smo v raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela analizirali in primerjali koncepte vojaškega vodenja v izbranih drugih vojskah in iskali podobnosti ter razhajanja predvsem v dveh segmentih - vsebinskem in normativnem. Prikazati smo želeli na eni strani vsebinsko zastarelost in neustrezno normativno uvrščenost Koncepta vojaškega voditeljstva v Slovenski vojski in na drugi strani nujnost vsebinske posodobitve s konkretnimi predlogi ter argumente za nastanek Doktrine vojaškega vodenja v Slovenski vojski. V sklopu raziskovalnega dela smo izvedli tudi strukturirani intervju, s katerim smo dopolnili vrednost izvedene analize in primerjave Koncepta vojaškega voditeljstva v Slovenski vojski s koncepti vojaškega vodenja v izbranih drugih vojskah.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [M. Horvat]
UDC: 355:005(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2053308342 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis, leadership is presented in a broader context and applied to a military organization - the Slovenian Armed Forces. Based on personal experience gained through working in the field of leadership, a number of primary and secondary sources were analyzed, an analytical comparison of the concepts in selected other armed forces was carried out, and an empirical study on the appropriateness of the Military Leadership Concept in the Slovenian Armed Forces was conducted. In the theoretical part, the thesis describes the historical development of leadership, basic terms, the sources of power, and character traits that every good leader should possess. It also highlights three contemporary leadership challenges that have emerged through the evolution of leadership. Military leadership has its own specifics, so the thesis also explores the formal arrangement of leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces and highlights command as a specific form of leadership. The main subject of the master's thesis is the Concept of Military Leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces, which currently represents the highest conceptual and guidance normative act in the field of military leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces. For this reason, the research part of the master's thesis analyzes and compares the concepts of military leadership in selected other armed forces, and focuses on similarities and divergences predominantly in two segments: the conceptual and the normative segments. On the one hand, it aims to present the conceptual obsolescence and inadequate normative classification of the Concept of Military Leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces, and, on the other hand, the necessity for its substantive update with concrete proposals, as well as arguments for the creation of the Military Leadership Doctrine in the Slovenian Armed Forces. As part of research, a structured interview was carried out to substantiate the credibility of the performed analysis and the comparison of the Military Leadership Concept in the Slovenian Armed Forces with military leadership concepts in selected other armed forces.
Secondary keywords: Vojska;Magistrske naloge;Vodenje;Slovenija;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 21. 05. 2019;
Pages: XI, 98 str.
ID: 11143729