(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Sabina Korošec (Author), Primož Gorkič (Mentor), Miha Hafner (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem diplomskem delu je obravnavano preiskovalno dejanje hišne preiskave, s poudarkom na preiskavah odvetniških pisarn. Najprej je nekaj besed namenjenih splošni zasebnosti ter pregledu mednarodne in nacionalne pravne podlage. Odvetniki so v evropskih nacionalnih zakonodajah različno obravnavani, a vsem ureditvam je skupno, da zaščito zagotavljajo. Ker v Evropski konvenciji o človekovih pravicah ni nobenih določb, ki bi to področje posebej urejale, je pomembno delovanje Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice, ki skrbi za njeno razlago, na katero se večkrat tudi sama sklicujem. Sledi obravnava posebnega položaja odvetnikov, ki izhaja iz zaupnega razmerja med njimi in strankami. Samo če bo stranka odvetniku zaupala, bo odvetnik lahko zagotovil učinkovito obrambo. Zaradi posebnega položaja splošni pogoji za hišno preiskavo ne zadoščajo, zato poleg splošnih potrebujemo še posebne. Ker teh slovenska ureditev ne zagotavlja v zadostni meri, je Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije z odločbo U-I-115/14, Up-218/14 ugotovilo številne kršitve človekovih pravic odvetnikov, pri katerih so bile opravljene preiskave, in da sta Zakon o kazenskem postopku in Zakon o odvetništvu neskladna z Ustavo Republike Slovenije. V zadnjem delu je obravnavana nova ureditev, ki prinaša pomemben korak naprej glede varstva strank, ki si poiščejo pravno pomoč pri odvetnikih. Gre za prehodno ureditev, določeno s strani Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije, ki velja dokler zakonodajalec neustavnosti ne odpravi, in novelo Zakona o kazenskem postopku, ki je bila sprejeta 26. marca 2019 (veljavnost: 15 dni po objavi, uporaba: 6 mesecev po uveljavitvi).


nedotakljivost stanovanja;hišna preiskava;preiskava odvetniške pisarne;zaupno razmerje;pravica do zasebnosti;odvetniška zasebnost;Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije;Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice;ZKP-N;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [S. Korošec]
UDC: 343.1(043.2)
COBISS: 16797265 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1655
Downloads: 682
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Search of a house
Secondary abstract: The master thesis deals with the investigative act of the search of a house, with an emphasis on the searches of law firms. First of all, a few words are dedicated to general privacy and the review of the international and national legal basis. Attorneys are treated differently in European national laws, but providing protection is common to all regulations. Since there are no provisions in the European Convention on Human Rights that specifically regulate this field, it is important that the European Court of Human Rights deals with its interpretation, which I refer to myself on several occasions. The following discussion presents the special position of attorneys arising from the confidential relationship between them and the parties. Only if the client entrusts the attorney, will the attorney be able to provide effective defense. Due to the special situation, the general conditions for the searching a house are not sufficient, so we need special conditions in addition to the general ones. Since the Slovene regulations do not provide sufficient protection, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, in decision U-I-115/14, Up-218/14, found numerous violations of the human rights of attorneys who were investigated and that the Criminal Procedure Act and the Attorneys Act are inconsistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. The final part deals with a new arrangement, which brings an important step forward in the protection of clients who seek legal assistance from attorneys. This is a transitional arrangement established by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, which is in force until the legislature eliminate the unconstitutional regulation, and the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act, which was adopted on 26th March 2019 (validity: 15 days after publication, use: 6 months after entry into force).
Secondary keywords: inviolability of housing;search of a house;search of an attorney's office;relationship of trust;right to privacy;attorney's privacy;Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia;European Court of Human Rights;ZKP-N;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 45 f.
ID: 11143742