magistrsko delo
Tina Žvegler (Author), Vlasta Hus (Mentor)


Realne in neposredne izkušnje, ki jih učenci z lastno aktivnostjo pridobivajo v naravi, so nujno potrebne za njihov celostni razvoj in razumevanje okolja, v katerem živijo. V magistrskem delu smo zato v teoretičnem delu raziskovali vlogo gozdne pedagogike, gozdnega pedagoga in gozda kot vzgojno-izobraževalnega prostora v učnem procesu. Analizirali in predstavili smo priporočene dejavnosti za spoznavanje gozda iz priročnikov in delovnih zvezkov različnih založb za predmet Spoznavanje okolja. V praktičnem delu smo načrtovali konkretne učne aktivnosti v gozdu, za učence 1., 2., in 3. razreda osnovne šole. Dejavnosti so ciljno usmerjene, pri izvajanju pa se povezujejo cilji različnih predmetnih področjih. V ospredju so aktivna vloga posameznika ter sodelovalne in socialne veščine, kot so medsebojna pomoč, strpnost, komunikacija in sodelovanje učencev, saj učenci dejavnosti izvajajo v skupinah. Cilj magistrskega dela je učiteljem predstaviti in ponuditi konkreten nabor idej za smiselno poučevanje, izvajanje aktivnosti in uresničevanje ciljev iz učnega načrta v gozdu, pri čemer učenci z lastnim raziskovanjem, sodelovanjem s sošolci, igro, pristnim stikom z okoljem in realnimi izkušnjami pridobivajo in nadgrajujejo svoje znanje, se ob tem zabavajo in oblikujejo pozitiven odnos do narave.


magistrska dela;gozd;gozdna pedagogika;gozdni pedagogi;sodelovalno učenje;medpredmetno povezovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Žvegler]
UDC: 37.091.33-027.22:630*0(043.2)
COBISS: 24717320 Link will open in a new window
Views: 940
Downloads: 181
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cross-Curricular integration and co-operative learning through the activities of forest pedagogics
Secondary abstract: Real and direct experiences gained through activity in nature are of vital importance to students' overall development and their understanding of the environment they live in. This thesis explores in its theoretical part the role of forest pedagogics, the forest pedagogue and the forest as an educational space in the learning process. It analyses and presents activities recommended as part of learning about the forest from various textbooks for the Spoznavanje okolja (Studying the Environment) course. The practical part consists of planning specific learning activities in the forest for students of the first triennium of primary school. The activities are goal-oriented, with an emphasis on cross-curricular connections. At the forefront is the active role of the individual as well as collaborative and social skills such as helping others, being patient, communicating and co-operating, as these activies are designed for group work. The objective of the thesis is to offer teachers a set of ideas for meaningful teaching, to help them implement activities in nature and realise goals from the forest lesson plan. Students will be able to gain new information and build upon existing knowledge through exploration, collaboration with their classmates, genuine contact with nature and real experiences while having fun and forming a positive attitude towards nature.
Secondary keywords: master theses;forest;forest pedagogics;forest pedagogs;collaborative learning;cross-curricular connections;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 162 f.
ID: 11145132