diplomsko delo
Blaž Sergaš (Author), Tina Levec (Reviewer), Andrej Lebar (Mentor), Tomaž Lampe (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Analiza hoje je raziskovalno področje znotraj katerega sistematično preučujemo človekovo gibanje. Vključuje meritve in oceno parametrov, ki so značilni za človekovo gibanje. V ortopediji in rehabilitaciji je analiza hoje uporabljena za namene diagnostike ter za spremljanje napredka pacientove rehabilitacije. V tem delu se osredotočamo na razvoj metodologije, ki bo omogočala analizo plantarnega tlaka stopala. Primerna razdelitev sil je vitalnega pomena pri primarnem učenju hoje ali pri terapevtski obravnavi po poškodbah. Dva glavna tipa naprav, ki se uporabljata za te vrste analize in meritve sta platformna metoda ter metoda, ki jo v literaturi omenjajo kot »in-shoe« (merilniki vgrajeni v čevelj). Tehnika 3D tiska naj bi bila najbolj primerna za izdelavo upogljivih večplastnih in iz več različnih materialov izdelanih senzorjev, še posebej, če ima senzor geometrijsko kompleksno obliko. Namen: Namen dela je raziskati funkcionalnost 3D natisnjenega senzorja in preučiti možnosti za vključitev takšnega senzorja v čeveljni vložek izdelan s tehnologijo 3D tiskanja. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Iskali smo jo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Prav tako je bila v diplomskem delu uporabljena metoda eksperimentalnega dela, s katerim smo naredili preprost model 3D-natisnjene strukture s 3D-natisnjenimi (implementiranimi) senzorji. Električne signale s senzorjev smo zajemali in vrednotili z mikrokrmilnikom Arduino. Rezultati: V okviru eksperimentalnega dela smo izdelali tri različice prototipa senzorja, da bi določili karakteristike senzorja. Konstrukcija prototipa je izdelana iz termoplastičnega poliuretana (TPU), znotraj je natisnjenih 6 uporovnih enot iz prevodnega PLA materiala na osnovi ogljikovih vlaken. Ta material smo uporabili kot indikator spremembe upornosti merilnika, kar je z določenimi modifikacijami posledično tudi indikator plantarnih tlakov. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da se vrednosti osrediščene napetosti dejansko spreminjajo ter da prihaja do logičnih odzivov uporovnih enot, glede na dolžino in težo ploskovne obremenitve. Prav tako pa smo ugotovili, da prihaja do različnih intenzitet odzivov uporovnih enot, za katere nismo našli razlage. Zaključek: Pokazali smo, da načelna zasnova merilnika deluje, saj smo opravili meritve, katerih zajeti podatki kažejo na funkcionalnost sistema. Prav tako se lahko ta zasnova uporabi za 3D tisk čeveljnega vložka z uporovnimi enotami, kjer se lahko merijo tlaki, vendar je za ta korak potrebna programska kot tudi strojna modifikacija.


diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;merilnik;plantarni tlak;senzor;3D tisk;merjenje upornosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [B. Sergaš]
UDC: 617.3
COBISS: 5634667 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1219
Downloads: 379
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of the method for direct measurement of plantar pressure in 3D printed insole
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Gait analysis is a research area in which human movement is systematically studied. It includes measurements and estimation of parameters that are characteristic of human motion. In orthopaedics and rehabilitation the gait analysis is used for diagnostic purposes and for monitoring the progress of patients’ rehabilitation. The introductory part of the diploma work focuses on the development of methodology which will allow the analysis of the plantar pressure in order to measure the pressure between the plantar surface of the foot and the substrate. An adequate distribution of forces is vital in primary learning of walking as well as in therapeutic treatment after injury. The two main types of devices used in these analyses and measurements are the platform method and so-called "in-shoe" method (sensors embedded into the shoe insole). The 3D printing technique has proven to be most suitable for the production of flexible multilayer sensors made of different materials, especially if the sensor has a geometrically complex shape. Purpose: The aim of the work was to investigate the functionality of the 3D printed sensor and to explore the possibility of including such a sensor in a shoe insole made with 3D printing technology. Methods: For the purposes of the study, the descriptive method was employed, using a systematic literature review. The search was limited to the Slovene and English language publications. We also used the experimental method with which we made a simple model of 3D printed structure with 3D printed (embedded) sensors. The electrical signals from the sensors were captured and evaluated using the Arduino microcontroller. Results: A 3D printed prototype of the sensor was developed. The sensor was manufactured from the TPU material, and the conductive part from carbon fiber-based PLA. Each of the three variants of the sensor prototype includes six resistor units to measure the static and dynamic resistance or electrical stress. Discussion: It was established that the values of the centered voltage are actually changing and that the logical responses of the resistive units accord with the length and weight of the flat load. It was also established that there are various intensities of the responses of the resistive units, for which no explanation was found. Conclusion: Recommended in further research is a microscopic or CT scan of the cross-sectional viewer of the meter or of a purely printed conductive PLA based on carbon fibers. Keywords: strain gauge, plantar pressure, sensor, 3D printing, measurement of resistance
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;strain gauge;plantar pressure;sensor;3D printing;measurement of resistance;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 47 str., [11] str. pril.
ID: 11149689