(magistrsko delo)
Saša Podpečan (Author), Jana Goriup (Mentor), Jadranka Stričević (Co-mentor)


Izhodišča: Število starostnikov z leti narašča in vse bolj kaže, da bo naraščalo tudi v prihodnje. Posledično se zaradi tega veča število obiskov referenčnih ambulant. Referenčne ambulante so namenjene preventivni obravnavi, zgodnjemu odkrivanju kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni in boljšemu nadzoru le-teh, predvsem pri starejši populaciji, ki ima sama pri tem velikokrat težave. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kako je starejša populacija zadovoljna z uvedbo referenčnih ambulant in delom diplomiranih medicinskih sester z ozirom na situacijo v Savinjski regiji. Raziskovalna metodologija: Za raziskovalni del magistrske naloge je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Uporabili smo tehniko anketiranja s pomočjo validiranega vprašalnika. Cilj je bil anketirati 200 ljudi, starejših od 60 let, ki so bili obravnavani v referenčnih ambulantah v Savinjski regiji. Rezultati: Razdelili smo 200 anket, 196 anketiranih je anketo popolnoma izpolnilo. Delež anketirank je bil 54,6 %, anketirancev je bilo 45,4 %. Anketirani, sodelujoči v raziskavi, so zadovoljni z odnosom in znanjem diplomiranih medicinskih sester, saj je bilo povprečje na lestvici od 1 do 5 blizu 5. Prav tako se anketirani strinjajo, da zaradi RADM posvečajo več pozornosti skrbi za zdravje in da manj obiskujejo zdravnika. Delež obiska referenčne ambulante pa je pri starejših anketirankah enak kot pri anketirancih, in sicer jih večina obišče ambulanto enkrat letno. Diskusija in zaključek: Referenčne ambulante so med starejšimi pacienti v Savinjski regiji upravičile pričakovanja. Starejši pacienti so zadovoljni s takšnim načinom dela, kar je razvidno iz dobljenih empiričnih podatkov izvedene raziskave.


starost;staranje;starostniki;populacija;diplomirane medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [S. Podpečan]
UDC: 614.21-053.9(043.2)
COBISS: 2511780 Link will open in a new window
Views: 648
Downloads: 98
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The satisfaction of the older population treatment in the reference ambulance in the Savinska region
Secondary abstract: Introduction: The number of elderly people has been increasing over the years and it looks that it will continue to rise. Consequently, the number of visits to reference clinics is increasing. Reference clinics are intended for preventive treatment, early discovery of chronically non-contagious diseases and better control over them, mainly with the older population that often has related problems. The purpose of the research is to find out how satisfied the older population is with the introduction of reference clinics and the work of graduate nurses in the Savinja region. Research methodology: For the research part of this thesis quantitative research methodology was used. We used the survey technique with the help of a validated questionnaire. The goal was to survey 200 people over the age of 60 that have been treated in reference clinics. Results: 196 people were ready to take part in the research, 54.6% of which were women and 45.4% men. The respondents were satisfied with the attitude and knowledge of graduate nurses; on the scale from 1 to 5 the average response was close to 5. They also agree they pay more attention to their own health because of reference clinic and less frequently see their doctor. The proportion of referral clinics visits is the same among elderly women and elderly men; most of them visit the clinic once a year. Discussion and conclusion: Reference clinics have justified the Savinja region patients’ expectations. The elderly are satisfied with this type of work, which is evident from the research.
Secondary keywords: age;ageing;old people;population;graduate nurses;Aged;Reference outpatient clinics;Nurses;Starostniki;Referenčne ambulante;Medicinske sestre;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VII, 53 f., 7 f. pril.
ID: 11151388
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