magistrsko delo
Urška Rebernak (Author), Črtomir Matejek (Mentor)


Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezanost med športno aktivnostjo študentov in skladnostjo oziroma neskladnostjo v moči in gibljivosti mišic trupa in okončin, izmerjeno s pomočjo metode FMS (Functional Movement Screen). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 80 študentk Pedagoške fakultete v Mariboru, starih od 20 do 24 let. S pomočjo ankete smo študentke uvrstili med športno aktivne (športno aktivne več kot 30/min dan) in športno neaktivne (športno aktivne manj kot 30 min/dan). Študentke smo testirali s pomočjo metode FMS. Za statistično obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili računalniški program SPSS 20.0 za Windows. Z neparametričnim Mann-Whitney preizkusom za neodvisne vzorce smo ugotavljali statistično značilnost razlik v povprečjih rangov dveh skupin. Stopnja zaupanja pri vseh testih je bila 95 %. Izidi so pokazali, da v izvedbah FMS testov med skupinama športno aktivnih in športno neaktivnih študentk obstajajo razlike. Med športno aktivnostjo študentk in skladnostjo oziroma neskladnostjo v moči in gibljivosti mišic trupa in okončin, obstaja povezanost. Športno aktivne študentke pri testnih nalogah dosegajo višje ocene kot športno neaktivne študentke, vendar je pri športno aktivnih študentkah zaznati neskladja v mnogo večji meri kot pri športno neaktivnih študentkah. Neskladja se pojavljajo pri testnih nalogah prestop ovire z desno nogo in prestop ovire z levo nogo, izpadni korak z levo nogo in izpadni korak z desno nogo, zaročenje z levo roko in zaročenje z desno roko, dvig iztegnjene noge z levo nogo in dvig iztegnjene noge z desno nogo, dvig noge in roke v opori kleče z levo dvignjeno roko in dvig noge in roke v opori kleče z desno dvignjeno roko. Gibalne sposobnosti se torej s primerno organizirano, vodeno in posamezniku prilagojeno športno aktivnostjo ali prostočasno vadbo lahko dodatno razvijajo. Športno neaktivni posamezniki imajo slabše razviti obe polovici telesa, medtem ko imajo športno aktivni posamezniki eno polovico telesa bolje razvito. Enolična športna aktivnost torej ne prispeva k skladnemu razvoju gibalnih sposobnosti, zato bi morala biti športna aktivnost otrok, mladostnikov, odraslih, raznolika in raznovrstna ter pravilno načrtovana.


magistrska dela;gibalne sposobnosti;motorične sposobnosti;gibalna dejavnost;skladnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Rebernak]
UDC: 796.012.1-057.875(043.2)
COBISS: 24704008 Link will open in a new window
Views: 664
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of physical efficiency of physically active and physically inactive students evaluated by FMS method
Secondary abstract: Aim of the research was to determine whether there is a connection between physical activity of students and symmetries or asymmetries in strength and mobility of the body muscles and body extremities. The FMS method (Functional Movement Screen) was used for research evaluation. In the research participated 80 female students of the Pedagogical Faculty in Maribor, from age 20 to 24. With the aid of a questionnaire, we divided the students into physical active (active for more than 30 minutes/day) and physical inactive (active for less than 30 minutes/day). The students were tested by FMS method. The statistical treatment of the data was done with the aid of the computer program SPSS 20.0 for Windows. We assessed the statistical characteristics of differences in average ranges of the two groups by the non-parametrical Mann-Whitney test. Level of confident at all tests was 95 %. The data showed differences in implementations of FMS tests between physical active and inactive students. There is a connection between physical activity of students and symmetry or asymmetry in strength and mobility of the body muscles and body extremities. Physical active students reached higher scores at FMS testing than physical inactive students, but there are significant higher asymmetries at the physical active students than at the inactive group. Asymmetries were assessed with following FMS tests: right foot hurdle step and left foot hurdle step; left foot in-line lunge and right foot in-line lunge; left hand shoulder mobility and right hand shoulder mobility; left foot active straight leg raise and right foot active straight leg raise; rotary stability by left raised hand and rotary stability by right raised hand. Movement efficiency can be additionally developed by well-organized exercises, if they are according to the needs and capabilities of an individual. Exercises can be carried out by physical activity or in free time. Physical inactive individuals have both sides of the body less developed; physical active individuals have a better-developed part of the body. Uniform physical activity does not contribute to a coherent development of physical efficiency, thus physical activity of children, teenagers and adults should be diverse, miscellaneous and correctly planned.
Secondary keywords: master theses;physical efficiency;motoric skills;physical activity;asymmetries;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: XV, 98 f.
ID: 11152270