diplomsko delo
Tjaša Koder (Author), Ines Kožuh (Mentor), Peter Čakš (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljena analiza nastopa dveh voditeljev razvedrilnih oddaj na komercialni televiziji. Analizirani sta bili besedna in nebesedna komunikacija voditeljev Vida Valiča in Petra Polesa v oddajah Slovenija ima talent, Vid in Pero šov ter X Factor Slovenija, ki sta jih vodila skupaj. Preučevano je bilo, kakšne so podobnosti in razlike v govoru in prvinah nebesedne komunikacije izbranih voditeljev. S pomočjo analize govora je bilo ugotovljeno, da voditelja uporabljata neknjižni pogovorni jezik, natančneje osrednjeslovenski oz. ljubljanski pogovorni jezik. Analiza mimike, gestikulacije in zunanjega videza je pokazala podobnosti v značilnostih nebesedne komunikacije pri obeh voditeljih. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da se voditelja precej izražata skozi obrazne kretnje, ki pogosto nadomestijo besede. Najpogostejši obrazni izraz je smeh, njegova intenzivnost pa se spreminja glede na primernost v različnih položajih. Oba imata roke večino časa v gibanju. Oblečena sta v enaka, elegantna oblačila. Rezultati analize so lahko kot vodilo primerni za voditelje, ki televizijsko delo šele začenjajo, saj nazorno prikazujejo elemente, ki so pomembni za dober nastop. Hkrati so lahko pridobljeni rezultati uporabni za raziskovalce, ki bi v prihodnosti želeli raziskovati nebesedno in/ali besedno komunikacijo med voditelji ne le razvedrilnih, temveč tudi drugih vrst oddaj na komercialni in javni televiziji.


komunikacija;besedna komunikacija;nebesedna komunikacija;razvedrilne oddaje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: T. Koder
UDC: 317.77:79.071(043.2)
COBISS: 22568982 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2926
Downloads: 197
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The comparative analysis of performances of the greatest slovenian television personalities
Secondary abstract: The subject of this diploma thesis is the comparative analysis of performances of two television personalities on commercial TV. We analyzed the verbal and nonverbal communication of Vid Valič and Peter Poles in three television shows, which they have run together, Slovenija ima talent, Vid in Pero šov and X Factor Slovenija. We were interested in examining the differences and similarities in speech, language characteristic, and elements of nonverbal communication. With our analyses of speech, we found out that they both use conversational language that is typical for Ljubljana and surrounding area. Analysis of mimics, gestures, and external appearance show that the aforementioned TV presenters have a few commonalities. They both have strong facial expressions that are often used to replace words. The most common facial emote is a smile that changes according to the story that they are addressing. Most of the time, the movements of their hands are animated. They tend to wear fashionable clothing. The obtained results can serve as a guide for TV presenters, who have just started working in television because they show elements of nonverbal communication that are important for effective performance on television. Also, our results can be used by researchers who would, in the future, want to research verbal and nonverbal communication amongst presenters in different forms of media both pure entertainment and informative programming.
Secondary keywords: communication;verbal communication;nonverbal communication;entertainment program;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Medijske komunikacije
Pages: VI, 50 f.
ID: 11152696