delo diplomskega projekta
Mihael Hojnik (Author), Igor Perko (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na več poglavij. Vsako od poglavij je opisano in razdeljeno na glavne teme. V uvodu je opisano področje, o katerem se bo pisalo v diplomskem delu. Tematika je osredotočena na razvoj avtonomnih vozil in njihovo umetno inteligenco. Pomembno poglavje so ekonomski modeli lastništev. Pri lastništvih so raziskane možnosti, katere ima vsak posameznik glede na njegove potrebe po prevozu. Opredeljene so rešitve, ki odločajo pri raziskavah, kako lahko določeni dejavniki pripomorejo k izbiri lastništva. Opredeljene in pojasnjene so razlike med osebnim lastništvom avtomobila in souporabo avtomobila. Pri souporabi avtomobila so prikazane možnosti različnih vrste deljenja vozila z ostalimi udeleženci. V poglavju, ki vključuje avtonomnost avtomobilov, so razloženi asistenčni sistemi, ki vplivajo na delovanje avtonomnih avtomobilov. Predstavljeni so najpomembnejši asistenčni sistemi, ki so vgrajeni v vsa nova vozila na trgu. Razložena je avtomatizacija, ki vključuje vsako stopnjo avtomatizacije glede na razvoj in napredek tehnologije. Pri stopnjah avtomatizacije so opisane metode, kako v raziskovalnih centrih določajo, v katero kategorijo po lestvici spada vozilo. Prikazani in predstavljeni so vsi vidiki, ki si jih zastavljajo družba in investitorji o avtonomni vožnji. Razdeljeni so na več poglavij. Pravni vidik zajema omejitve in direktive, ki so vezane na razvoj vozil. Pri varnostnem vidiku je govora o odločitvah avtonomnih vozil v primeru nesreč. Opisana je situacija nesreče, da je manjša škoda. Pri družbenem vidiku je prikazan pogled družbe na avtonomna vozila. Opisane so skeptičnosti in odzivi prvih primerkov vozil. Pri ekonomskem vidiku je govora o izrabi avtonomnih vozil za nove panoge, uporabi podatkov za marketinške namene in tudi avtomatizaciji tovornega prometa. V poglavju o primerjavi vozil je na začetku opis tehnologije posameznih proizvajalcev, na katerih kriterijih bo temeljila. Opisana je tehnologija proizvajalcev BMW, Mercedes Benz, Tesla Motors in GM. V drugem delu poglavja so opisane prikazane možnosti trenutnih avtomobilov, ki obsegajo vsaj delno avtomatizacijo vozil.


avtonomna vozila;avtonomna vožnja;avtonomni sistemi;umetna inteligenca;avtomatizacija;lastništvo;souporaba;varnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Hojnik]
UDC: 007.52
COBISS: 13486620 Link will open in a new window
Views: 721
Downloads: 153
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Autonomous cars comparative
Secondary abstract: In the thesis introduction, the topic of autonomous cars is opened. The focus is set on the development of autonomous vehicles using the artificial intelligence concepts. In the second chapter, the economic models of ownership is elaborated, exploring the potentials of addressing each individual transport needs. Solutions, which determine how research can contribute to the choice of ownership are defined. The differences between personal car ownership and car sharing are defined and explained. When sharing a car, the options for different types of vehicle sharing with other participants are shown. In the next chapter cars autonomy is addressed. We explain the assistance systems that influence the operation of autonomous cars. The most important assistance systems are installed in all new vehicles on the market. Multiple automation levels in terms of development are explained, . At the automation stages, methods are described how in the research centres determine which category the vehicle belongs in the scale. All the aspects that the company and investors on autonomous driving are presented. The legal aspect covers the restrictions and directives related to the development of vehicles. In the case of safety concerns, autonomous vehicle decisions are made in the event of accidents. The situation of the accident is described as being less harmful. In the social aspect, the company's view of autonomous vehicles is shown. Sceptics and responses from the first examples of vehicles are described. From the economic point of view, it is a question of using autonomous vehicles for new industries. Use of data for marketing purposes as well as automation of freight traffic. In the last part, we compared , the description of the technology of individual producers if the autonomous vehicles, by the criteria defined in the theoretical part of the thesis. The manufacturers included in the comparison are: BMW, Mercedes Benz, Tesla Motors and GM. In the second part of the chapter the actual vehicles, which include at least a partial automation are examined.
Secondary keywords: Cars;Autonomous;Comparison;Economic models;Owner models;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 34 str.
ID: 11154867
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