organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo in raziskujemo področje zelo zmogljivega računalništva. Podrobneje predstavimo priložnosti uporabe le-tega za mala in srednje velika podjetja, pri čemer se osredotočimo na uporabo zelo zmogljivega računalništva v oblaku. Cilj magistrskega dela je izvedba analize priložnosti zelo-zmogljivega računalništva v oblaku za mala in srednja podjetja, kjer pridobimo pregled nad prednostmi, ki jih prinaša uporaba tovrstne tehnologije. V ta namen smo proučili tri projekte (Fortissimo, CloudFlow in SesameNet), financirane s strani Evropske unije (EU), v okviru katerih so potekali zanimivi eksperimenti, z izbranimi malimi in srednje velikimi podjetji, kjer je bil cilj teh projektov ugotoviti, kakšne ponudbe oblikovati za tovrstna podjetja, da se bodo odločila za potencialno uporabo teh storitev. V začetnem delu je najprej predstavljeno klasično računalništvo v oblaku, s pripadajočimi modeli in storitvami, ki jih ta nudi, sledi zelo-zmogljivo računalništvo ter uporaba le-tega v oblaku, z modeli in storitvami, ki jih ta oblika računalništva ponuja. Nadalje je podano trenutno stanje na tem področju, kjer preverimo, kakšno je obstoječe stanje uporabe zelo-zmogljivega računalništva ter podamo kritično analizo. Jedro magistrskega dela (empirični del) predstavljajo rezultati in diskusija, kjer je najprej predstavljena infrastruktura, potrebna za to vrsto računalništva in nekatera glavna področja uporabe. Nadalje je izpostavljena pomembnost usposobljenosti ter prednosti uporabe zelo-zmogljivega računalništva v oblaku. Nazadnje je izvedena analiza študije primerov uporabe tega računalništva v oblaku, v malih in srednje velikih podjetjih, ki predstavlja glavni del magistrskega dela. Na koncu so predstavljeni zaključki, kjer podamo oceno izvedene analize in ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli skozi izdelavo tega magistrskega dela ter podamo možnosti nadaljnjega dela in raziskav na tem področju.
zelo-zmogljivo računalništvo;računalništvo v oblaku;mala in srednje velika podjetja;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[B. Gašperlin] |
UDC: |
659.2 |
Views: |
589 |
Downloads: |
98 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Analysis of high-performance computing opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises |
Secondary abstract: |
In this master's thesis, we discuss and explore the field of high-performance computing. We present in more detail the possibilities of using this kind of computing for small and medium-sized enterprises, with an emphasis on using high-performance computing in the cloud. The aim of this master's thesis is to conduct an analysis of the opportunities of high-performance computing in the cloud for small and medium-sized enterprises, where we gain an overview of the advantages of using such technology. In order to achieve this, we examined 3 projects (Fortissimo, CloudFlow and SesameNet), funded by European Union (EU), in which interesting experiments took place, with selected small and medium-sized enterprises, where the aim of this projects was to determine, what kind of offers to design for such companies to be the most suitable in order to decide on the potential use of these services. In the initial part, it is first presented classical cloud computing, with the belonging models and services, followed by high-performance computing and use of this in the cloud, with the models and services offered by this form of computing. Then, the view of the current state is given, where we examine the existing state of use of high-performance computing and provide a critical analysis. The core of the master’s thesis (empirical part) presents the results and discussion, where firstly the infrastructure needed for this kind of computing is presented and some of the main fields, where it is used. Furthermore, the importance of competences and the advantages of using high-performance computing in the cloud is highlited. Finally, an analysis of the multiple cases of using high-performance computing in the cloud by small and medium-sized enterprises is made, which represent the main part of this master’s thesis. At the end are presented conclusions, where we present assessment of the performed analysis and findings, to which we came during work of this master’s thesis and propose possibilities for further work and research in this field. |
Secondary keywords: |
high-performance computing;cloud computing;high performance cloud computing;small and medium sized enterprises; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
93 f. |
ID: |
11157699 |