diplomsko delo
Alja Krek (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


Vsak od nas se kdaj znajde v vlogi pacienta, zato je pomembno, da poznamo pravice, ki nam jih dodeljuje Zakon o pacientovih pravicah. Te pravice nam omogočajo, da se seznanimo z našim zdravstvenim stanjem, možnostmi zdravljenja, da pridobimo drugo mnenje o našem zdravstvenem stanju, da aktivno sodelujemo v postopku zdravljenja, ki nam zagotavlja pravico do zasebnosti in druge pravice. S poznavanjem teh pravic si olajšamo sam proces zdravljenja in zagotovimo najbolj koristno zdravljenje za nas. S tem pa ne pomagamo samo sebi, temveč tudi osebam okoli nas, našim najbližjim in tudi neznancem. Pogledali si bomo pravico do vnaprej izražene volje. Ta pravica nam omogoča, da si določimo osebo (pacientov zdravstveni pooblaščenec), ki izraža našo voljo, ko te sami nebi mogli izraziti. S to pravico se že vnaprej sami odločimo kakšno zdravljenje želimo v trenutkih, ko sami te volje ne bi mogli izraziti. S tem olajšamo breme našim najbližjim, saj se jim v takih primerih ni potrebno odločati za vrsto zdravljenja. Tu gre predvsem za odločanje o tem, če bomo pacienta pustili priklopljenega na aparate, v primeru, da zanj ni več možnosti okrevanja. Prav tako pa lahko izključimo osebe, ki so po zakonu upravičene odločati o našem zdravstvenem stanju in jim to pravico odvzamemo. Zakon nam dodeljuje pravico, da lahko darujemo organein sicerže za časa življenja ali po smrti. Z organi, ki jih darujemo,rešimo življenje prejemniku teh organov, saj bi brez njih skoraj zagotovo umrli. Organe, ki jih darujemo za časa življenja, lahko presadijo le našim sorodnikom ali osebam,skaterimi smo čustveno povezani. Organe pa lahko darujemo tudi po naši smrti, če za to izrazimo voljo in jih potem lahko vstavijo vsakomur, ki čaka v čakalni vrsti za organe. Seveda pa koordinatorji transplantacijskih centrov določajo kdo bo najprimernejši prejemnik določenega organa.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Krek]
UDC: 342.7:616-052-089.843(043.2)
COBISS: 2053217974 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5
Downloads: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Everyone of us can become a patient. Therefore it is important to know the rights, provided by the Patient Rights Act. Based on these rights we are able to get informed about our health status and the treatment possibilities, to acquire a second opinion on our health status, to actively cooperate in the treatment process, that ensures the right to privacy and other rights. By knowing these rights we can facilitate the treatment process itself and ensure the optimal way of treatment. Doing so we do not empower ourselves alone, but also the people around us, the dearest persons and strangers, too. We will look into the right to advance directive. In view of this right we are enabled to identify the person (patient's health care proxy), who will express our will in the situation, where we won't be able to do so. In accordance with this right we can make an advance decision about the mode of treatment in the case of being unable to express our standing. In this way we relieve the dearest persons of a responsibility to decide, what treatment to choose in such a situation. In particular, there is a dilemma of whether or not to keep the patient alive, if the help of medical apparatus is needed and if there is no chance of a recovery. Likewise we can exclude some persons from makingsuch decisions and deprive them of this right, although according to the law they would be entitled to make a decision about our health status. Provided by law we are given the right to donate organs, whether during our life or post mortal. With the act of donating organs we can save lives of the recipients of organs, as they would probably die without them. Organs that we donate during our lives, can be transplanted to our relatives only or to the persons we have an emotional relationship with. However, we can also donate organs post mortal, if we express our will to do that in advance. Anyone being registered on the waiting list for a specific organ can receive these organs. The decision about the actual recipient of such an organ is made by the coordinators of the transplantation centers, who choose the most appropriate recipient from the list.
Secondary keywords: Človekove pravice;Diplomske naloge;Pacienti;Darovanje organov;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VII, 95 str.
ID: 11158873