pomen samoumevnosti in drugih dejavnikov
Lucija Pelc (Author), Alenka Švab (Mentor)


Kljub številnim družbenim modifikacijam v sodobni družbi je prevladujoča distribucija domačega dela med spoloma še vedno asimetrična. Konvencionalna podoba ženske se navezuje na materinstvo, skrb za družino in domača opravila, vendar novo očetovstvo in drugi novodobni trendi narekujejo spremembe tudi na tem področju. Občutno več je udejstvovanja moških pri skrbi in vzgoji otrok ter tudi pri gospodinjskih opravilih, pri čemer je predvsem kuhanje ena izmed dejavnosti, kjer so moški vse pogosteje vključeni. Različni individualni in strukturni dejavniki vplivajo na distribucijo domačega dela med spoloma. V diplomskem delu so obravnavani naslednji dejavniki: ekonomska stabilnost, neformalna podpora, rojstvo otrok, participacija otrok, zaposlitveni status, socializacija, institucionalno varstvo otrok, družinske politike in samoumevnost. Na podlagi kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje polstrukturiranih globinskih intervjujev, preučimo pomen in vpliv slednjih dejavnikov na preučevanem vzorcu. Diplomsko delo temelji na petih raziskovalnih vprašanjih, in sicer nas zanima, kakšna je obstoječa distribucija domačega dela med spoloma. Zanimata nas časovni in vsebinski vidik opravljanja domačih opravil. Veliko pozornosti je namenjeno različnim dejavnikom, predvsem dejavniku samoumevnosti.


domača dela;distribucija;spol;samoumevnost;Delitev dela po spolu;Delo in družina;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [L. Pelc]
UDC: 305:316.36(043.3)
COBISS: 36271453 Link will open in a new window
Views: 648
Downloads: 188
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Distribution of Domestic Work between the Genders: Importance of Self-Evident Distribution of Household Chores and Other Factors
Secondary abstract: Despite numerous modifications in today's society, the prevailing distribution of domestic work between the genders is still asymmetric. The conventional image of women is associated with motherhood, taking care of the family and household chores; however, concepts such as new fatherhood and other modern-day trends indicate a change. Men spend considerably more time raising and caring for their children and also devote more time to household chores—cooking has become one of the activities that men do very often. Various individual and structural factors affect the distribution of domestic work between the genders. The paper discusses the following factors: economic stability, informal support, childbirth, children’s participation, employment status, socialization, institutional childcare, family politics and the self-evident distribution of domestic work. In our analysis, we applied the qualitative method, more specifically, we used the semi-structured in-depth interviews, to study the importance and the impact that these factors have on the representative sample. The paper is based on five research questions; namely we are interested in the current domestic work distribution between the genders. Among other, we examined the temporal and content aspects of performing household chores. Great attention was devoted to various factors, mainly the factor of self-evident distribution of domestic work.
Secondary keywords: Sexual division of labor;Work and family;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 52 str.
ID: 11158902
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