diplomsko delo
Franc Šarkan (Author), Iztok Peruš (Mentor), Nataša Šuman (Co-mentor)


Zaradi kompleksnosti gradbenega prava in pogodbenih klavzul pri sklepanju gradbenih pogodb pogosto prihaja do zapletov pri izvajanju plačil za opravljena dela. Pametna pogodba, ki je digitalni protokol, bi lahko olajšala, preverila in uveljavila izvajanje pogodbe, saj posnema logiko pogodbenih klavzul. Namen uvedbe pametnih pogodb v gradbeni stroki je bistvena poenostavitev nekaterih pomembnih odnosov med udeleženci v gradbenih projektih. V diplomskem delu je tako opisana ideja tehnologije veriženja blokov in sorodnih rešitev ter predstavljena ideja in potencialne rešitve nekaterih ključnih problemov pri izvajanju gradbenih projektov z uporabo decentraliziranih aplikacij in pametnih pogodb. Za potrebe razumevanja nove tehnologije veriženja blokov so v diplomskem delu predstavljene nekatere najbolj znane in/ali pomembnejše decentralizirane platforme, kot so npr. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Iota in Holochain. Ugotovili smo, da bi tehnologija veriženja blokov lahko poenostavila medsebojne pogodbene odnose in omogočila transparentnejše in pravičnejše poslovanje med vsemi pogodbenimi strankami. Velik del pogodbenih odnosov in relacij skozi celoten proces graditve je znan, kar pomeni, da bi bilo mogoče postopke in njihovo izvajanje avtomatizirati z uporabo pametnih pogodb. Na enostavnem primeru je s pomočjo zapisa v obliki psevdokode predstavljen primer za uporabo pametne pogodbe.


gradbena pogodba;pametna pogodba;veriženje blokov;Bitcoin;digitalni protokol;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [F. Šarkan]
UDC: 351.778.511:004.72(043.2)
COBISS: 22453526 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1676
Downloads: 178
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Blockchain and potential application in the construction contract
Secondary abstract: Due to the complexity of construction law and contractual clauses in the conclusion of construction contract, there are often complications in the performance of payments for work finished. A smart contract, which is a digital protocol, could facilitate, verify and enforce the performance of the contract since it imitates the logic of contractual clauses. The purpose of introducing smart contracts in the construction profession is the essential simplification of some important relationships between participants in construction projects. The presented work describes the idea of blockchain technology and similar solutions, and presents the idea and potential solutions of some of the key problems in the implementation of construction projects using decentralized applications and smart contracts. For the understanding of the blockchain technology, some of the best-known and/or more important decentralized platforms are presented, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Iota and Holochain. It was found that blockchain technology could simplify mutual contractual relations and enable more transparent and fairer business among all contracting parties. Much of the contractual relations and relations in the whole process of construction is known in advance, which means that the procedures and their implementation could be automated using smart contracts. In the presented case, the simple smart contract is presented in the form of a pseudocode.
Secondary keywords: construction contract;smart contract;blockchain;Bitcoin;digital protocol;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: VIII, 55 f.
ID: 11160567