mladi in kulturni kapital


V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na modo, ki obdaja svet okoli nas. Raziskovala sem oblačilno modo v povezavi s kulturnim kapitalom, saj sem želela raziskati kompleksnost tega pojava in poudariti, da gre pri obleki za mnogo več kot samo kos blaga. Moj glavni cilj je prenesti fenomen mode na mladino in ga povezati z njihovimi družbenimi distinkcijami in kulturnim kapitalom. Ciljna skupina so mladi, ker v obdobju mladosti izoblikujejo svojo identiteto in so najbolj dojemljivi za vplive družbe in okolja. Pri teoriji sem osvetlila modo od njenega razvoja in pomena do njenih funkcij ter teorij. H kulturnemu kapitalu sem pristopila s pomočjo njegove povezave med razredom in kulturo ter preko znanih predpostavk vzpostavila meje med njimi. Empirični del sem namenila analizi kvalitativne raziskave, kjer sem interpretirala najprej ugotovitve opazovanja z udeležbo, kasneje pa še rezultate intervjujev. Za vzorec sem uporabila dve znani šoli v Mariboru, ki sta si geografsko zelo blizu, po značilnostih pa veljata za jasno nasprotje. Rezultati so pokazali, da kulturni kapital vpliva na način oblačenja in da med gimnazijci ter dijaki poklicne srednje šole pri oblačenju obstajajo tako razlike kot tudi podobnosti. Sošolci vplivajo na posameznikove modne preference na strokovni srednji šoli, medtem ko na gimnaziji ne. Njihov način oblačenja pa lahko povežemo tudi z željami in aspiracijami za prihodnost.


Moda;Kulturni kapital;Mladina;Identiteta (psihologija);Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Hrapić Cvetko]
UDC: 316.6:391-053.6(043.3)
COBISS: 36275037 Link will open in a new window
Views: 644
Downloads: 200
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fashion and social differences: youth and cultural capital
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis, I have focused on the fashion that surrounds the world around us. I have explored fashion clothing in connection to cultural capital because I wanted to explore the complexity of this occurrence and emphasize the fact that clothes mean more than just a piece of material. My main goal is to transfer the phenomenon of fashion to youth and to link it with their social distinctions and cultural capital. I have chosen youth because they form their identity during this period and are most receptive to the impacts of society and the environment. In theory, I have focused on fashion and its development, its meaning, several functions, and I have also studied various fashion theories. I have approached cultural capital with the help of its link between class and culture and through their boundaries. I have devoted the empirical part to the analysis of the qualitative research, where I have first interpreted findings from the method of observation and later the results of the interviews. As a sample, I have used two well-known schools in Maribor that are geographically close but have different characteristics. The results have showed me that cultural capital affects the way youth dresses and that both differences and similarities exist between high schoolers and vocational school students. Classmates influence individuals fashion preferences at the vocational school, while at the high school they do not. The way of dressing can also be linked to their desires and aspirations for the future.
Secondary keywords: Fashion;Cultural capital;Youth;Identity (Psychology);Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 62 str.
ID: 11161614
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