magistrsko delo
Maja Gabrovec (Author), Jerneja Herzog (Mentor), Matjaž Duh (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Likovna umetnost kot dejavnik emancipacije otrok z različnimi sposobnostmi v vključujočih šolah sestavljata teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu bomo predstavili likovno umetnost v vključujoči šoli, pri čemer bomo podrobneje opisali koncept inkluzije, učence s posebnimi potrebami, emancipacijo otrok s posebnimi potrebami, prednosti likovne vzgojne prakse z vidika emancipacije, naloge učitelja likovne umetnosti in pomen individualizacije v učnem procesu likovne umetnosti. Nadalje bomo predstavili likovno ustvarjalnost in likovno apreciacijo. Vsemu temu sledi predstavitev likovnega razvoja, ki je bil skupaj z likovno apreciacijo tudi predmet raziskave. Znotraj likovnega razvoja bomo opisali likovno intelektualni, likovno oblikovni in likovno ustvarjalni razvoj ter načine spodbujanja le-tega. Empirični del magistrskega dela zajema rezultate raziskave, katere namen je bil analizirati nivo likovne ustvarjalnosti, nivo likovno oblikovnega razvoja, nivo likovno intelektualnega razvoja ter nivo likovne apreciacije otrok različnih skupin v šestih razredih vključujočih osnovnih šol na območju Maribora. Rezultati so pokazali, da v nivoju likovne ustvarjalnosti, likovno oblikovnega razvoja, likovno intelektualnega razvoja in likovne apreciacije med skupinami ni statistično značilnih razlik. Se je pa pokazala statistično značilna razlika med spoloma, in sicer pri likovni apreciaciji, v prid deklicam. V nivoju likovne ustvarjalnosti, likovno oblikovnega razvoja in likovno intelektualnega razvoja med deklicami in dečki ni bilo mogoče zaznati statistično značilnih razlik. Ugotovitev, da med nadarjenimi učenci, učenci s posebnimi potrebami in učenci z običajnim razvojem ni razlik, daje možnost, da se preko likovne umetnosti učenci lahko emancipirajo.


magistrska dela;likovna umetnost;emancipacija;likovni razvoj;likovna ustvarjalnost;likovna apreciacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Gabrovec]
UDC: 37.015.31:73/76(043.2)
COBISS: 24708360 Link will open in a new window
Views: 735
Downloads: 159
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Art as a factor of emancipation for differently-abled children in inclusive schools
Secondary abstract: Master thesis titled Art as a factor of emancipation for differently-abled children in inclusive schools consists of a theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part we will present visual art in the inclusive school, where we will describe in more detail the concept of inclusion, special need students, and emancipation of special needs children, advantages of visual arts practice in terms of emancipation, art teacher's tasks and the importance of individualization in the teaching process of visual arts. Further, we will present artistic creativity and its factors and artistic appreciation. All this is followed by a presentation of artistic development, which along with artistic appreciation, was also the subject of the research. Within the artistic development we will describe artistic intellectual development, visual arts development and artistic creativity development with ways of encouraging it. The empirical part of the master's thesis includes the results of the research. The purpose of the research was to analyze the level of artistic creativity, the level of visual arts development, the level of artistic intellectual development and the level of artistic appreciation of children of different groups in 6thgrade in inclusive primary schools in Maribor area. The results showed that in the level of artistic creativity, visual arts development, artistic intellectual development and visual appreciation among groups there are no statistically significant differences. However, there was a statistically significant difference between genders in the artistic appreciation in favour of the girls. At the level of artistic creativity, visual arts development and artistic intellectual development between girls and boys it was not possible to distinguish statistically significant differences. The finding, that among gifted students, special needs students and average developed students there are no differences, gives students the possibility of emancipation through visual arts.
Secondary keywords: master theses;visual arts;emancipation;artistic development;artistic creativity;artistic appreciation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: XIV, 121 f., [12] f. pril.
ID: 11162177