diplomsko delo Visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje Strojništvo
Marcel Petrović (Author), Tomaž Berlec (Mentor), Drago Bračun (Co-mentor)


Zaradi zastojev pri operaciji montaže, prihaja do znižanja skupne učinkovitosti celotne avtomatizirane celice, katere del je obravnavana montažna priprava. Operacija vsebuje več kompleksnih postaj z veliko obrabljivimi deli, med njimi pa je tudi robotska manipulacija s kosi pri kateri pride do mehanskih poškodb na obdelanih mestih. Ker želimo odkriti vzroke za zastoje obstoječega procesa, smo izbrali metodo DMAIC, ki je del šest sigma metodologije. Ugotovimo, da sta glavna vzroka za zastoje nestandardizirani posegi v stroj ob okvari in s tem nepredvidene okvare pištole za kovičenje ter robotski naleti pri katerih pride do mehanskih poškodb, ki predstavljajo izmetne kose ter tako znižujejo faktor kakovosti. Najbolj zahteven in obremenjen del montažne priprave je pištola za kovičenje, ki je vzrok za 90 % zastojev na pripravi. Glavni izboljšavi v času diplomske naloge so izdelana navodila za montažo, demontažo, preventivni pregled in čiščenje pištole za kovičenje, ter zamenjano robotsko prijemalo, ki ne povzroča mehanskih poškodb na izdelkih.


diplomske naloge;skupna učinkovitost;montažne priprave;sledljivost;mehanske poškodbe;standardizacija posegov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Petrović]
UDC: 658.515(043.2)
COBISS: 16708635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 727
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Improvement of assembling machine's overall equipment effectiveness
Secondary abstract: Due to downtimes at the assembly operation it comes to the lowering of the overall equipment effectiveness by the complete automated robotic cell which is the part of the discussed assembling machine.The operation consists of more complex stations with many worn out parts, among them is also the robot manipulation with pieces where it comes to mechanical damage on the machined places. As we wanted to discover the reason for the downtimes by the existing process, we chose DMAIC which is a part of six sigma methodology. We established that the main reasons for the downtimes are nonstandardized interventions in the machine by its breakdown what results in the unexpected damage of the rivet gun and the robot collisions where it comes to mechanical damage followed by scrap-pieces that lower the quality. The most exacting and burdened part of the assembling machine is the rivet gun which is responsible for the 90 % of the machine downtimes. During the diploma work we made two main improvements: instructions for the assembly, dismantling, precautious check-up, rivet gun cleaning and the exchanged robot gripper that causes no mechanical damage of the products.
Secondary keywords: overall equipment effectiveness;assembling machines;traceability;mechanical damage;standardization of interventions;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXI, 55 str.
ID: 11162709
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