Maja Opalički (Author), Anton Brancelj (Mentor)


Information on groundwater’s natural bacterial communities is important for evaluating pristine groundwater’s quality, as environmental changes potentially lead to alterations in bacterial community structures. In four seasons, 15 hypothetically pristine springs across five karst eco-regions in Slovenia (Central Europe) were analysed during their low discharge, and their basic physical and chemical parameters were recorded. The diversity of bacterial community structures was assessed with a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting method. Total cell counts as bacterial abundance and electron transport system activity as bacterial respiratory activity were used for quantitative evaluation of bacterial communities. To detect anthropogenic pollution, spring water was tested by the cultivation of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Results indicate distinct regional differences in environmental parameters, bacterial respiratory activity, presence of coliforms and E. coli, bacterial abundances, and qualitative bacterial community structures, but there were no regional differences in the numbers of operational taxonomic units and biodiversity indices (Shannon-Wiener’s and Simpson’s diversity index, Buzas and Gibson’s evenness). The analysis of seasonal environmental parameters showed significant differences in dissolved organic carbon and pH, and also significant changes in bacterial respiratory activity and abundances, as well as differences in bacterial community structures, the numbers of operational taxonomic units, and biodiversity indices. No seasonal variations were shown for coliforms and E. coli. Despite seasonal oscillations, regional differences prevailed among five karst eco-regions and indicate a significant influence on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of groundwater bacterial community structures. The study confirmed both regional and seasonal differences in groundwater bacterial community structures, which should be included in further sustainable management plans of the aquifers.


karst springs;bacterial community structure (BCS);terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP);total cell counts (TCC);electron transport system activity (ETSA);


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UNG FPŠ - Graduate School
Publisher: [M. Opalički Slabe]
UDC: 579
COBISS: 5406459 Link will open in a new window
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: Informacije o bakterijskih združbah v podzemni vodi so zelo pomembne za oceno kvalitete podzemne vode v vodonosnikih, saj vsaka sprememba v okolju lahko vodi do sprememb v zgradbi bakterijskih združb. V štirih sezonah smo vzorčili 15 hipotetično neonesnaženih kraških izvirov v petih eko-regijah po Sloveniji (Srednja Evropa). Raznolikost bakterijskih združb smo ocenili z metodo polimorfizma dolžin končnih restrikcijskih fragmentov. Izmerili smo tudi številčnost bakterij in njihovo intenzivnost porabe kisika (kot aktivnost dihalnih encimov). Z metodo gojenja koliformnih bakterij in Escherichie coli (E. coli) smo določili tudi izvire, ki so antropogeno onesnaženi. Rezultati so pokazali izrazite regionalne razlike v okoljskih parametrih, intenzivnosti porabe kisika, številu koliformnih bakterij in E. coli, celokupnemu številu bakterij in zgradbi bakterijskih združb, ne pa tudi regionalnih sprememb v številu operativnih taksonomskih enot (t.j. vrst) in biodiverzitetnih indeksih (Shannon-Wienerjev in Simpsonov indeks ter Buzas-Gibsonovo ravnovesje). Primerjava med sezonami je pokazala značilne spremembe v okoljskih parametrih samo pri raztopljenem organskem ogljiku in pH podzemne vode, ter izrazite spremembe v intenzivnosti porabe kisika in številu bakterijskih celic, v zgradbi bakterijskih združb, številu operativnih taksonomskih enot ter ostalih biodiverzitetnih indeksih. Za koliformne bakterije in E. coli sezonskih razlik nismo ugotovili. Čeprav so razlike med sezonami dokazane, regijske razlike med petimi eko-regijami prevladujejo, kar kaže na njihov večji vpliv na bakterijske združbe v podzemnih vodah. Ta raziskava je dokazala tako regionalne kot sezonske razlike v strukturah bakterijskih združb podzemne vode in rezultati bi morali biti vključeni v nadaljnje načrte trajnostnega upravljanja z vodonosniki.
Secondary keywords: kraški izviri;bakterijske združbe;končni restrikcijski fragmenti;polimorfizem dolžin;številčnost bakterij;poraba kisika;disertacije;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Fak. za podiplomski študij
Pages: XIV, 101, [7] str.
ID: 11163604