magistrsko delo
Patricija Plahuta (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Pri vodenju poslovanja podjetij prihaja do čedalje višjih zahtev, ki jim morajo podjetja slediti. Brez modernih ERP-rešitev si danes poslovanja skorajda ne moremo več predstavljati, saj so za učinkovitost podjetja nujno potrebna. Pri uvajanju ERP-rešitev se podjetja soočajo z izzivi, kako ta orodja učinkovito uporabiti. Treba je opredeliti optimalne procese, ki so hkrati dovolj preprosti in zagotovijo doseganje poslovnih ciljev. Za doseganje poslovnih ciljev pa je pomembna tudi povezanost členov oskrbne verige. Osnova za učinkovito upravljanje oskrbne verige predstavlja točne in pravočasne informacije na kateremkoli členu verige. Vsako podjetje mora zgraditi informacijsko podporo, ki ustreza načinu poslovanja in okolju, v katerem je. Avtomatizacija procesov predstavlja izziv pri optimiziranju oskrbnih verig, potrebna pa je zaradi odprave morebitnih stroškov, hitre odzivnosti glede izpolnitve naročila in zagotavljanja povezljivosti z drugimi členi oskrbne verige. Sama uvedba ERP-rešitve ni dovolj za uspešno poslovanje, temveč mu daje podlago za lažjo dosego le-tega. V proučevanem podjetju smo se srečali s težavami že v fazi uporabe ERP-rešitve, saj se določeni poslovni procesi niso izvajali optimalno. Pred prenovo poslovnih procesov si moramo izbrati le tiste, ki so zanjo smiselni, saj se moramo prenove poslovnih procesov lotiti sistematično. Brez poudarka in opredelitve kritičnih procesov, ki ovirajo nemoten potek dela, bi bili viri in čas zaman porabljeni. V magistrskem delu smo najprej predstavili in opisali ERP-rešitve na splošno. Spoznali smo njihovo zgodovino, nekaj glavnih značilnosti vseh ERP-rešitev, njihove prednosti in slabosti ter si ogledali različne pristope pri uvajanju ERP-rešitve v podjetje. V nadaljevanju smo pozornost namenili fazi uporabe življenjskega cikla ERP-rešitve in predstavili tudi nekaj primerov, v katerih so jih podjetja slabo uporabljala. Podrobneje smo predstavili ERP-rešitev Pantheon, saj je uvedena tudi v preučevano podjetje. Spoznali smo njene značilnosti, strukturo, možne razširitve in različice, primerne za različne velikosti in dejavnost podjetja. V zadnjem poglavju smo povezali teoretična spoznanja in si na podlagi študije primera ogledali, kako je z upravljanjem oskrbne verige s pomočjo ERP-rešitve Pantheon v praksi. Ugotovili smo, s kakšnimi težavami se lahko podjetja srečajo med delovanjem in poiskali rešitve zanje.


informacijski sistemi;informacijske rešitve;ERP;oskrbne verige;optimizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [P. Plahuta]
UDC: 004.77(043.2)
COBISS: 13422108 Link will open in a new window
Views: 652
Downloads: 95
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Supply chain optimization using Pantheon ERP solution on the case of the production company
Secondary abstract: When managing business operations, companies must follow increasing requirements. Today business is almost impossible to imagine without modern ERP solutions, since they are indispensable for the efficiency of the company. By implementing ERP solutions, companies face the challenges of how to use these tools effectively. It is necessary to define optimal procedures that are simple enough and ensure the achievement of business goals. It is important to link the supply chain members in order to achieve business goals. The basis for effective supply chain management is accurate and timely information on any part in the chain. Every company needs to build IT support, which is appropriate to its mode of business and the environment. Process automation is a challenge in optimizing supply chains, but it is necessary to eliminate potential costs, to be responsive in fulfilling the order and to ensure connectivity with other members of the supply chain. The implementation of ERP solution alone is not enough for a successful business, but it gives it a basis to make it easier to achieve. In the studied company, we encountered problems in the deployment phase of ERP solution, because certain business processes were not performed optimally. Prior to the renovation of business processes, we should choose only those processes that are candidates for restoration, since business processes needs to be tackled systematically. Without focus and definition of critical processes that impede with the work, the time spent and resources used would be wasted. In the master’s thesis, we first presented and described ERP solutions in general. We learned about their history, some of the main features of all ERP solutions, their strengths and weaknesses, and looked at different approaches to implementing an ERP solution into a company. In addition we paid attention to the deployment phase of ERP solution lifecycle and we also presented some examples, where companies used the ERP solution poorly. We took a closer look at the Pantheon ERP solution, as this solution is also introduced in the studied company. We learned about its features, structure, possible extensions and variations appropriate for different sizes and business activities. In the last section, we relate theoretical knowledge to a case study of how to manage the supply chain with Pantheon's ERP solution in practice. We have identified the problems that businesses may encounter while operating, and looking for the solutions to these problems.
Secondary keywords: Supply Chain;ERP Solutions;Information System;ERP Solution Pantheon;Sure Step Methodology;Business Processes;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 66 str.
ID: 11164072