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Žan Škafar (Author), Marta Bon (Reviewer), Matjaž Železnik (Consultant), Marko Šibila (Mentor), Marko Pocrnjič (Co-mentor)


Futsal je šport, ki ga igra več milijonov ljudi po vsem svetu. Moštvena igra je podprta s strani Mednarodne nogometne zveze (FIFA – International Federation of Association Football) in Združenja evropskih nogometnih zvez (UEFA – Union od European Football Associations) s svetovnimi in evropskimi prvenstvi (Plaznik, 2009). Cilja magistrske naloge sta bila analiza modela igre reprezentanc polfinalistk, na podlagi izbranih spremenljivk ter ugotavljanje značilnosti v fazi obrambe in napada, v primerjavi z nasprotnimi reprezentancami na EURO 2018, na osnovi izbranih spremenljivk. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na igro reprezentanc polfinalistk in njihovih nasprotnikov na evropskem prvenstvu v futsalu 2018, ki je potekalo v Sloveniji. Na podlagi video posnetkov smo analizirali 10 tekem. Opazovali smo v naprej določene spremenljivke, ki smo jih sproti beležili. Skupno smo opazovali 7 spremenljivk v napadu (vrsta napada, analiza ustvarjenih priložnosti, analiza udarcev proti vratom, analiza doseženih zadetkov, analiza prekinitev, analiza izgubljenih žog in analiza izgubljenih žog glede na prostor) in 4 spremenljivke v obrambi (vrsta branjenja, postavitev obrambe glede na prostor, način pridobitve posesti žoge in analiza prekrškov). Glede na cilje raziskave smo postavili 5 hipotez, od katerih smo eno hipotezo potrdili in 4 hipoteze ovrgli. Statistično značilne razlike med reprezentancami, ki so se uvrstile v polfinale in njihovimi nasprotnicami, se pojavljajo le pri številu ustvarjenih priložnosti.


dvoranski nogomet;zgodovina;razvoj;evropsko prvenstvo;Slovenija 2018;polfinalisti;video posnetki;analiza igre;model igre;t-test;Mann-Whitney U test;SPSS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [Ž. Škafar]
UDC: 796.332
COBISS: 5569713 Link will open in a new window
Views: 580
Downloads: 208
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Game analysis of the four top-ranked futsal teams at the European championship 2018 in comparison with their opponents
Secondary abstract: Futsal is a sport played by millions of people around the world. The game is supported by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) and European Football Associations (UEFA - Union of European Football Associations) with world and European championships (Plaznik, 2009). The goal of the master's thesis was model analysis of the semi-finalists’ game based on the selected variables and identification of their characteristics in the defense and the attack in comparison with their opponents on the EURO 2018 based on the selected variables. In the master's thesis, we focused on the semi-finalists’ game and their opponents at the European Championship in futsal 2018, held in Slovenia. Based on the video, we analysed 10 matches. We observed and recorded predetermined variables. In total, we observed 7 variables in the attack (type of attack, analysis of created opportunities, analysis of shots on goal, analysis of scored goals, analysis of interruptions, analysis of lost balls and analysis of lost balls depending on space) and 4 variables in defense (type of defense, setting up defense depending on the space, analysis of taking the ball from opponent and the analysis of fouls committed). Based on the research objectives, we formed 5 hypotheses, of which one was confirmed and 4 disproved. Statistically significant differences between the teams that qualify for the semi-finals and their opponents appear only at the number of opportunities created.
Secondary keywords: futsal;European Championship;semi-finalists;game analysis;game model;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 141 f.
ID: 11164781