diplomsko delo
Luka Milavec (Author), Marko Novak (Mentor)


O sodstvu na ozemlju današnje Slovenije v zgodnjem srednjem veku ni veliko znanega, vendar pa vemo, da se je najverjetneje izvajalo v obliki več, na katerih so se opravljale vse bistvene upravne in sodne dejavnosti. V obdobju fevdalizma se pojavi pojem patrimonializacije, katerega posledica je nastanek velikega števila sodišč na ozemljih teritorialnih zemljiških gospostev, ki imajo nad svojim prebivalstvom pristojnost za sodstvo v vseh zadevah razen zoper najtežja kazniva dejanja. Tudi v tem še dokaj zgodnjem obdobju srednjega veka se za ugotavljanje obtoženčeve krivde uporabljajo razni instituti božjih sodb, priseg in prisežnih pomočnikov, ki so pri ugotavljanju dejanske krivde obtoženca v najboljšem primeru dvomljive narave. Po papeški revoluciji v 12. stoletju pa začne božje sodbe in podobne institute nadomeščati inkvizitorni kazenski postopek, ki so ga posvetna sodišča prevzela od Rimskokatoliške cerkve. Ta postopek je bil za obdolženca izrazito neugoden, dopuščal je uporabo torture, njegov namen pa je bil v prvi vrsti zaščita države in ne posameznika - oškodovanca. Pri pisanju diplomske naloge sem uporabil analitično metodo zbranih del, tej analizi pa sem dodal lastna mišljenja o postavljenih hipotezah in ugotovitvah. Namen diplomskega dela je bila zgoščena predstavitev sodstva v srednjem veku in vplivanja družbenih dejavnikov na njegovo evolucijo, nekoliko sem se osredotočil tudi na srednjeveški kazenski postopek. Ugotovil sem, da je srednjeveški inkvizitorni postopek v določenih dejavnikih soroden sodobnemu kazenskemu mešanemu modelu, zlasti v prevladujoči vlogi sodišča.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [L. Milavec]
UDC: 347.99:94(043.2)
COBISS: 2053331638 Link will open in a new window
Views: 7
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Not much is known about judiciary in Slovenian land in the early middle ages, although we do know that it probably took place at public gatherings called veča, where all important judiciary and governmental business was done. During feudal times, a phenomenon called patrimonialisation occured which resulting in an increasing number of smaller courts which were positioned on the land of feudal lords, whilst also being under their control. These courts had jurisdiction over the people living on the land which belonged to a certain feudal lord, on which the court resided aswell. However they could not rule in the most severe criminal cases. In the early middle ages guilt was being determing by various supernational rulings, by the defenadant's oaths and oath helpers. All of the listed methods of determining a defendant's guilt were questionable at best. After the pope's revolution in the 12th century these, questionable practices began to be replaced by the inquisitory criminal procedure, which was adopted by the criminal courts from the courts of the roman catholic church. This procedure was extremely unfavourable for the defendant, as it allowed torture as a form of extracting evidence from the defendant, and the purpouse of the procedure was first and foremost the protection of the state, and not of the individual. While writing the diploma I used the analithic method, to which I added my own thoughts about the hypothesis which I hoped to prove or disprove during the research. The purpose of the research was to present to the reader the complexity of the medieval judiciary and the effect that various social factors had on its evolution, aswell as focusing on the medieval criminal procedure. With the research, I found that medieval criminal procedure, in some points, resembles the modern mixed criminal procedure, especially so in the fact that the court today, as it had in middle ages, still has the dominant position in the procedure.
Secondary keywords: Sodišča;Diplomske naloge;Zgodovina;
Type (COBISS): Final reflection paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 28. 06. 2019;
Pages: [IX], 45 str.
ID: 11165085
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