diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management poslovnih in delovnih sistemov
Sara Kremsar (Author), Tomaž Kern (Mentor)


Organizacije se morajo vključevati v zunanje okolje, ki je dinamično, saj se v tem okolju neprestano odvijajo spremembe, ki jih je težko predvidevati. Če se organizacije pravočasno in ustrezno ne odzovejo na spremembe, na katere ni mogoče vplivati, se lahko čez čas pojavijo težave, ki vplivajo na uspešnost poslovanja organizacije. Za preprečevanje nastajanja omenjenih težav v organizacijah je znotraj podjetja pomemben vidik prenova poslovnih procesov. Prenova in reorganizacija lahko podjetju predstavljata velik izziv, saj sta to dolgotrajna postopek. Pred prenovo morajo podjetja ugotoviti, ali je prenova poslovnih procesov rešitev za omenjene težave, zato morajo v začetnih fazah prenove pregledati, popisati in analizirati procese. Kasneje pa je treba te procese preučiti in določiti, kateri procesi so potrebni prenove oziroma katere je treba na novo vpeljati ali celo umakniti iz poslovanja. V delu je izdelana primerjalna analiza mikro podjetja z malim podjetjem z namenom prenove procesov v podjetju Docentric, d. o. o. Predstavljena je metoda procesnega benchmarkinga, za katero smo dokazali, da je kot managerska metoda koristna tudi v primeru prenove procesov zaradi rasti podjetja. Rezultati diplomskega dela so posnetek stanja, narejena analiza in predstavljeni predlogi organizacijske transformacije izbranega podjetja. Predlog organizacijske transformacije iz mikro v malo podjetje lahko služi kot model drugim podjetjem, ki se bodo v prihodnje želela transformirati pod podobnimi pogoji.


modeliranje poslovnih procesov;procesni benchmarking;analiza poslovnih procesov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Kremsar]
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 8135699 Link will open in a new window
Views: 713
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Organizational transformation of micro into small company
Secondary abstract: Organizations need to be integrated into the external environment, which is dynamic, as changes in the environment are ongoing and difficult to forecast. If organizations do not respond promptly and appropriately to changes that can not be influenced, problems may arise over a longer period of time, affecting the performance of an organization's operations. In order to prevent the occurrence of these problems in organizations, business process reengineering is the important aspect within the company. Renovation and consequent reorganization can present a major challenge to the company as it is a lengthy process. Before the actual renovation, it should be noted that for these problems, business solutions need to be formulated in advance, so in order to analyze them, they need to be reviewed early on. Before the actual renovation, companies must determine whether the business process reorganization is a solution to the aforementioned problems. Therefore, process need to be reviewed, modeled or critically analyzed in the initial stages. Later on, organizations need to study these processes and consequently determine which of processes require renewal, need to be reinstated or even withdrawn from operations. In this work, benchmarking of micro company with a small company was prepared for the purpose of renovation of processes in Docentric, d. o. o., The method for measuring performance was presented, for which we have proved that is useful as the managerial method in case of organizational transformation of micro into small company. The result of a thesis is a snapshot of an existing »As Is« state, benchmarking analysis and preliminary proposals for organizational transformation of the selected company. The proposal of organizational transformation from a micro to a small company can serve as a model for other companies, which in the future will want to transform under similar conditions.
Secondary keywords: - modeling of business processes;- process benchmarking;- business process analysis;- business process reengineering.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 87 f.
ID: 11185303
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