meje dopustnosti medijskega poročanja


Kaj in kje pravzaprav so meje medijskega poročanja? Vprašanje, na katero ne moremo dati celovitega odgovora. V informacijski dobi, ki nas obkroža, je na svetovnem spletu ali v tiskanih medijih pravzaprav lahko že vsak avtor besedil, ki so nato na vpogled širši javnosti. V magistrski nalogi se v prvem delu osredotočamo na pojem medijskega poročanja, kaj obsega ter na analizo njegovih vplivov in učinkov. S podrobno analizo pravnih institutov tako poskušamo v delu podrobno razčleniti, opredeliti in prikazati medsebojne korelacije med svobodo govora, medijsko svobodo in osebnostnimi pravicami. Na več mestih tako v nalogi ponazorimo zakonsko praznino, ki obstaja na tem področju. Z nalogo skušamo vsebinsko zelo obsežno tematiko strniti v zaključeno celoto, ob branju katere bo bralec prišel do spoznanja, da je Slovenija na tem področju zakonsko pomanjkljivo urejena, da ne sledi trendom zahodnega sveta, temveč ostaja v senci preteklosti. S podrobno ponazoritvijo vedno bolj aktualnega sovražnega govora želimo izpostaviti pereč problem medijskega poročanja. Ključna nit v celotni nalogi je ponazoriti in predstaviti tanko mejo med svobodo izražanja kot avtorsko pravico in med pravico do zasebnega življenja. Pravica do pozabe je prva v nizu modernejših pravic, ki so se razvile kot posledica zlonamernega pisanja o individuumih. Posameznik v sodnem boju proti medijski hiši, proti avtorju, proti neupravičeni vsebini, ki se nanaša nanj, njegovo življenje in zasebnost. V nalogi izpostavljamo prepletenost institutov, ki naj bi na eni strani zagotavljali svobodo govora in jo na drugi strani upravičeno omejevali.


pravica do pozabe;medijsko poročanje;svoboda govora;medijska svoboda;sovražni govor;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [D. Jurišič]
UDC: 316.77:342.72(043.2)
COBISS: 22574614 Link will open in a new window
Views: 728
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Right to be forgotten: limits of media coverage admissibility
Secondary abstract: What and where are actually the boundaries of media coverage? There is no comprehensive answer to this question. In the Information Age, which surrounds us, almost anyone can be author of texts on the world wide web or in printed media, which are then available to the general public. The first part of this master thesis focuses on the concept of media coverage, what it encompasses as well as on the analysis of its influences and effects. Through a detailed analysis of legal institutions, the mutual correlations between the freedom of speech, media freedom and personal rights are analysed, defined and shown in detail. In several places the thesis depicts the legislative gap present in this area. The thesis tries to sum up the very broad agenda into an integrated whole, which will help the reader recognize that the Slovenian law is deficient in this area, that it does not follow the trends of the western world but rather remains in the shadows of the past. With a detailed depiction of the increasingly current hate speech, the topical issue of media coverage is stressed. The cohesive thread of the master thesis is to depict and present a fine line between the freedom of speech as a copy right and the right to private life. The right to be forgotten is first in the series of more modern rights, which have developed as a consequence of malicious reporting on individuals. An individual in a legal fight against the media house, against the author, against the unjustified content which relates to the individual, the individual’s life and privacy. This master thesis stresses the intertwinement of institutes, which should on one hand ensure freedom of speech and on the other hand rightly limit it.
Secondary keywords: the right to be forgotten;media coverage;the freedom of speech;media freedom;hate speech;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Medijske komunikacije
Pages: IX, 61 f.
ID: 11185657
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