zakonodajne spremembe v obdobju 2015-2017
Gabrijela Vrbnjak (Author), Mojca Pajnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na spremembe v evropskih migracijskih politikah po letu 2015, ko so nekatere evropske države spremenile zakonodajo na področju migracij in azilne politike ter se s tem oddaljile od liberalnih idej Evropske unije. Namen dela je s pomočjo analize zakonodaje na področju migracij v obdobju med 2015 in 2017 analizirati odzive izbranih nacionalnih evropskih držav s fokusom na Sloveniji na družbeno-aktualno tematiko povečanih migracij. Cilj dela je s pomočjo analize politik in s poudarkom na zakonodajnih dokumentih analizirati migracijsko politiko izbranih nacionalnih evropskih držav ob t. i. balkanski migracijski poti in na njej ter v državah prihoda. Kot metodi sta uporabljeni analiza politik in kvalitativna tematska analiza vsebine. Proučujem, katere so ključne teme, ki se pojavljajo v zakonodajnih dokumentih izbranih držav, kako migracijska politika migrante/migrantke določa in okvirja, kakšni so načini regulacije gibanja migrantov ter kako se skozi migracijsko politiko kaže sekuritizacija migracij. Teoretski del predstavlja predstavitev pojmov fenomena izključevanja migrantov, konstrukcije identitete, države in pojma naroda, ki vzpostavlja vprašanje večine in manjšine ter posledično razlikovanje, uvajanje represivnih ukrepov in nadzora nad migracijami. Proces migracij zahteva tudi premislek specifičnih pristopov k proučevanju migracij, kot je koncept avtonomije migracij, ki daje pomen moči migracij v smislu spreminjanja odzivov na migracije in njihovo upravljanje.


migracije;Migracijska politika;Izseljevanje in priseljevanje (evropsko pravo);Zakonodaja;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [G. Vrbnjak]
UDC: 314.15(043.3)
COBISS: 36242781 Link will open in a new window
Views: 764
Downloads: 197
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Migration policies of selected European countries: legislative changes in the period 2015–2017
Secondary abstract: The master thesis focuses on changes in European migration policies after 2015, when some European countries altered legislation on migration and asylum policy, thus moving away from the liberal ideas of the European Union. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the responses of selected national European countries, with a focus on Slovenia, on the socio-topical issue of increased migration through analysis of legislation changes on migration in the period between years 2015 and 2017. The migration policy of selected national European countries is examined through policy analysis, focusing on changes in legislative documents of countries which are on or right next to the Balkan migration route and also countries of arrival. As a method, qualitative thematic content analysis and policy analysis were used. The research consists of key topics which appear in legislative documents of selected countries, focusing on how the migration policies determine migrants, how countries regulate their movement, and how the migration policies show the securitization of migration. The theoretical part represents the presentation of different concepts as the phenomenon of exclusion of migrants, the construction of identity, the concept of the state and the notion of the nation, which creates the issue of majority and minority, and consequently differentiation, namely the introduction of repressive actions and the increased state control of migration. The migration process also requires consideration of specific approaches for the study of migration, such as the concept of autonomy of migration, which gives the importance of the power of migration in terms of changing migration management and responses in politics.
Secondary keywords: Migration policy;Emigration and immigration (European law);Legislation;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 71 str.
ID: 11185785
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