diplomsko delo
Veronika Weixler (Author), Blaž Ilc (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s političnimi idejami v znanstvenofantastični literaturi in kako se te izrazijo na primeru vsebine znanstveno fantastičnega distopičnega romana Deklina zgodba avtorice Margaret Atwood. S pomočjo dela raziskovalcev s tega področja najprej povzame razvoj znanstveno fantastične literature in razdela podžanr znanstvene fantastike – distopije. Osredotoča se na vpliv družbenopolitičnega konteksta na distopije in naslovi pojav feministične teorije v distopijah. V empiričnem delu se delo ukvarja z analizo izbranega romana. Osredotoča se na vpliv zgodovinskega ozadja na Deklino zgodbo, torej na osemdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja, ko na oblast vstopajo ideje Nove desnice. V nadaljevanju analize razkrije in podrobno analizira politični sistem v romanu. Analiza romana se nadaljuje z refleksijo suženjstva, ki se pojavi kot prevladujoč odnos v romanu. V zaključnem delu se diploma osredotoči tudi na analizo teksta z vidika feminističnega konteksta v skladu z omenjeno feministično teorijo iz prvega dela diplomske naloge. Delo želi orisati potencial znanstveno fantastične literature za namene politološkega raziskovanja in prispevati k spreminjanju dojemanja znanstveno fantastične literature kot zgolj šund literature.


distopije;družbenopolitični kontekst;Deklina zgodba;Znanstvena fantastika;Književnost;Politične ideje;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [V. Weixler]
UDC: 82-311.9:32(043.3)
COBISS: 36274269 Link will open in a new window
Views: 704
Downloads: 193
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Political Ideas in Science Fiction Literature
Secondary abstract: The thesis discusses political ideas in science fiction literature and how they are expressed in the case of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian science fiction novel The Handmaid’s Tale. Based on the work of researchers in this area, it summarizes the development of science fiction literature and examines a specific subgenre of science fiction – dystopia. The focus of the analysis is on the influence of the sociopolitical context on the novel. It also addresses the emergence of feminist theory in dystopias. The empirical part of the thesis performs an analysis of the chosen novel. The focus is on the influence of the historical background on The Handmaid’s Tale, namely the 1980s when the ideas of the New Right began rising to power. The subsequent analysis is exposing and describing the political system present in the novel in detail. The analysis then continues with a discussion of slavery, which appears as the predominant relation in the novel. In the last part, the thesis focuses on the analysis of the text from the viewpoint of the feminist context, drawing on the aforementioned feminist theory from the first part of the thesis. The thesis aims to outline the potential of science fiction literature in political science research and aims to help to change the perception of science fiction literature as only a pulp literature.
Secondary keywords: Science fiction;Literature;Political ideas;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 43 str.
ID: 11185789
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