delo diplomskega projekta
Sandi Kovačič (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Kriptovalute so digitalni denar, katerega stvaritelj je Satoshi Nakamoto, ki je ta digitalni denar razvil kot stranski produkt čisto drugega izuma. Do danes ni jasno, ali je Satoshi ena ali več oseb. Kriptovalute so sistemi, ki dovoljujejo varna plačila in spletne transakcije v obliki virtualnih kovancev. Kriptovalute predstavljajo način plačevanja v prihodnosti oziroma so dejansko že vpletena v ta sistem plačevanja, saj že pogosto srečamo možnost plačevanja predvsem z Bitcoin-i pa tudi z ostalimi kriptovalutami. V diplomskem projektu bomo spoznali kaj so kriptovalute, kje in kdaj so njihovi začetki, spoznali bomo Bitcoin, možnosti plačevanja z njim, tehnologijo veriženja blokov in platformo Coinbase. Skušali bomo predvidevati ali bodo kriptovalute dejansko obstale v svetu, se bo dalo z njimi plačevati ali bodo sčasoma vendarle izginile. Ugotovili bomo tudi, kako lahko z njimi služimo in kakšna so tveganja pri tem.


digitalni denar;kriptovalute;Bitcoin;plačevanje;veriženje blokov;tveganje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Kovačič]
UDC: 336.74:004
COBISS: 13524764 Link will open in a new window
Views: 777
Downloads: 209
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cryptocurrencies and payment methods
Secondary abstract: Cryptocurrencies are digital money, which creator is Satoshi Nakamoto, who developed that money as a side product od other invention. Untill now it is still unkown if Satoshi is one or omre persons. Cryptocurrencies are systems, that allows us safe payments and network transactions in a shape of virtual coins. Cryptocurrencies represent a way of payment in the future or on the other hand are actually already there in our system of payment because there can be a lot of times seen a possibility of paying with Bitcoins and also with other cryptoruccencies. In this project we will get to know what cryptoruccencies are, where and when they started, We will get to know Bitcoin, options of payments, Blockchaiin technology and Coinbase platform. We will try to predict if crypocurrencies will actually stay in this world and if it will be possible to pay with them or will they eventually vanish. We will learn how to earn with cryptocurrencies and what are the risks.
Secondary keywords: cryptocurrencies;Bitcoin;BTC;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 42 str.
ID: 11187759
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