magistrsko delo
Dejan Martinc (Author), Brigita Gajšek (Mentor), Mitja Žagar (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo analizirali oskrbovanje montažnih linij in samih delovnih mest s komponentami v opazovanem podjetju. Čeprav je obstoječ način oskrbovanja zanesljiv, pa ni najboljši, saj ima kar nekaj pomanjkljivosti. Skladiščni transporterji, kateri montažne linije oskrbujejo z viličarji, imajo delež pripeljanih logističnih enot na vožnjo dokaj majhen. To posledično pomeni veliko število voženj, visoko potrebo po viličarjih in visoke stroške. Linijski transporterji, ki s komponentami oskrbujejo delovna mesta, pri tem naredijo veliko nepotrebnih korakov in prelaganj logističnih enot. Te bi v primeru bolj povezanega dela med linijskimi in skladiščnimi transporterji lahko v veliki meri odpravili. V magistrskem delu smo našli rešitev izboljšanja obstoječega načina oskrbovanja in sicer s spremembo postavitve delovnih mest na samih montažnih linijah in z vpeljavo metode milk run. Metoda milk run je omogočila, da se je število pripeljanih logističnih enot na enoto vožnje povečalo, s tem pa se je zmanjšalo število voženj, potrebnih za oskrbovanje montažnih linij. S spremembo delovnih mest, ki so po novem postavljena tik ob transportnih poteh, smo omogočili, da se komponente z vlakci milk run dostavljajo bliže delovnim mestom oziroma kar na sama delovna mesta, kar olajšuje delo linijskih transporterjev.


tok materiala;montažne linije;oskrbovanje;transporterji;metoda milk run;proizvodna podjetja;logistika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [D. Martinc]
UDC: 658.7
COBISS: 513065021 Link will open in a new window
Views: 681
Downloads: 81
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Renovation of supplying assembly lines
Secondary abstract: In this master`s degree thesis we have analysed the supply of assembly lines and workplaces with the components in the observed company. Although the existing system of supply is reliable, it still has a lot of weaknesses. Warehouse forklift operators, who are supplying the assembly lines by forklifts, have relatively low share of the logistics units transported per ride. This causes a large number of rides, high forklifts demand and high costs. Line operators, who are supplying workplaces with the components, make a lot of unnecessary steps and shifts. This could be eliminated in case of more cooperation between the line operators and the warehouse operators. We have found the solution for this problem in the layout change of workplaces on the assembly lines, and with the introduction of the milk run method. By implementing the milk run method, we increased the number of logistic units that are transported per ride. At the same time we decreased the number of rides, required for supplying assembly lines. By changing the layout and implementing the milk run method, we enabled that the components are delivered closer or directly to the workplaces. This solution makes the work of the line operators easier.
Secondary keywords: material flow;assembly lines;supply;conveyors;milk run method;production companies;logistics;master thesis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: XXIV, 133 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 11195434
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