diplomsko delo
Ivo Kuzma (Author), Marjan Leber (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi je obravnavana tema optimizacije planiranja proizvodnega procesa v podjetju Daihen Varstroj d.d. Opisane so teoretične osnove, potrebne za razumevanje podanih predlogov za optimizacijo proizvodnega procesa na podlagi obstoječega stanja v podjetju. Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je operativna priprava proizvodnje, ki deluje kot povezovalna enota med konstrukcijo in proizvodnjo. Predstavljeno je podjetje Daihen Varstroj d.d. ter informacijski sistem, ki ga podjetje uporablja za podporo pri pripravi proizvodnje. Podani so predlogi za izboljšanje obstoječega stanja proizvodnega procesa v službi operativne priprave proizvodnje ter pretoka materiala v proizvodnji. Ugotavljam, da bi z uvedbo predlogov poenostavili ter optimizirali delo v službi operativne priprave proizvodnje in skrajšali pretočne čase pretoka materiala v proizvodnji. S tem bi podjetje pridobilo na konkurenčnosti na slovenskem ter tujem trgu.


operativna priprava proizvodnje;planiranje proizvodnje;optimizacija proizvodnega procesa;informacijski sistem;pretok materiala;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [I. Kuzma]
UDC: 658.51(043.2)
COBISS: 23010070 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1101
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimization of production process planning in the company daihen varstroj d.d.
Secondary abstract: The diploma work discuss the topic of optimization of the production process planning in the company Daihen Varstroj d.d. Theoretical bases are needed to understand the submitted proposals for the optimization of the production process based on the existing situation in the company. The main topic of the diploma work is the operational preparation of production, which acts as a connecting unit between construction and production. Presented is a company Daihen Varstroj d.d. and the information system used by the company to support the preparation of production. Suggestions are given to improve the existing state of the production process in the service of the operational preparation of production and the flow of material in production. I note that the introduction of proposals would simplify and optimize the work of the operational preparation of production and shorten the flow rates of material flow in production. This would help the company gain competitiveness on the Slovenian and foreign markets.
Secondary keywords: operational preparation of production;production planning;optimization of the production process;information system;material flow;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Proizvodno strojništvo
Pages: IX, 37 f.
ID: 11198944