magistrsko delo
Sara Tepeš (Author), Bojan Musil (Mentor), Zdravko Kačič (Co-mentor)


Namen pričujočega dela je preučiti povezavo med osebnostjo govorca in naborom prozodičnih značilnosti govora na slovenskem vzorcu. V študiji smo uporabili pet govornih nalog, ki so si sledile od bolj kontroliranega govora k bolj spontanemu, saj nas je zanimalo tudi, ali izbira naloge vpliva na naravo povezav. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 69 udeležencev (30 moških in 39 žensk). Udeleženci so izpolnili samoocenjevalni vprašalnik BFI-2, ki meri velikih pet dejavnikov osebnosti in lestvico asertivnosti IPP-NEO 300; nato so bili posneti pri izvajanju govornih nalog. Posnetke smo analizirali s pomočjo programske opreme PRAAT Windows 6.0.47. Analize so pokazale, da se ekstravertnost povezuje z višjim in glasnejšim govorom. Bralna pogoja med ekstravertnostjo in merami tekočnosti govora nista pokazala povezav, medtem ko se je pri spontanem govoru pokazalo, da ekstravertirani posamezniki govorijo več. Negativna emocionalnost se je najpogosteje povezovala z merami tekočnosti govora. Nadaljnje analize nakazujejo, da se med asertivnostjo in višino glasu pojavlja nelinearen U-odnos, prav tako se asertivnost povezuje z glasnejšim govorom in uporabo večjega števila daljših premorov. Za ostale lastnosti so bile povezave med pogoji manj konsistentne. Omenjene povezave so se pokazale samo za moške glasove. Ugotovitve vsekakor dokazujejo, da med osebnostjo in govorom obstajajo določene, četudi šibke povezave.


magistrska dela;prozodične značilnosti govora;govor;glas;osebnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Tepeš]
UDC: 159.923:159.946.3(043.2)
COBISS: 24743432 Link will open in a new window
Views: 641
Downloads: 120
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Prosodic speech features in relation to speaker`s personality
Secondary abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between the speakers' personality and the selection of prosodic speech features based on a Slovene sample. In this study five speech tasks have been applied, following from more controlled speech to more spontaneous one. Namely, our aim was to find out, if a specific task would influence the nature of the connections as well. 69 participants took part in the survey - 30 men and 39 women. The participants filled out a self-assessment questionnaire BFI-2, which measures the big 5 personality traits and the assertiveness scale IPP-NEO 300, and were recorded during the execution of the mentioned speech tasks. The recordings have been analysed by means of the software PRAAT Windows 6.0.47. The analyses showed that extraversion is related to a higher and stronger or louder speech. The reading conditions between the extraversion and the speech fluency did not show any correlations, whereas in spontaneous speech the extraverted individuals were more talkative. Speech fluency was mostly affected by negative emotions. Further analyses suggest that between the assertiveness and the pitch a U-shaped curvilinear relationship is visible, likewise the assertiveness is correlated to louder speech and more frequent longer pauses. The mentioned relations appeared only for male speakers. In any case, the findings demonstrate that between the personality and the speech there are certain relations.
Secondary keywords: master theses;prosodic features of speech;speech;voice;personality;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: XII, 114 str.
ID: 11201337