magistrsko delo
Maša Kop (Author), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor)


Obveščevalne službe imajo v odnosu do državne suverenosti različen pomen. S svojim delovanjem lahko povečajo politično stabilnost sistema ali pa, v nasprotju s tem, povzročijo njegov razpad. Obveščevalno-varnostne službe imajo velik vpliv na politično, vojaško, ekonomsko in varnostno politiko države. Učinkovitost obveščevalnih služb je torej ključna. Prav tako ključniza obveščevalno službo pa so njeni sodelavci, operativci, ki morajo opraviti težko delo, preden pridobijo podatke, potrebne za njihovo obveščevalno službo. Magistrska naloga predstavlja dvojne tajne agente kot subjekt mnogih tajnih služb. Predstavila se bosta obveščevalno-varnostno dejavnost in potek obveščevalnega ciklusa. V magistrski nalogi bodo predstavljeni tudi tajno sodelovanje, tajni sodelavci, pridobivanje tajnih sodelavcev in vrste tajnih sodelavcev. Tajni podatki se bodo uvrstili, pregledali se bodo vrste tajnih podatkov ter način zbiranja tajnih podatkov. Naloga predstavlja dvojne tajne sodelavce. Zaradi lažjega razumevanja njihovega dela se bodo predhodno opisale tudi zgoraj navedene stvari. Ker je dostopne literature o dvojnih kombinacijah tajnih sodelavcev manj, se za boljše razumevanje in večje število podatkov o obravnavani temi naredi SWOT analizo kompetenc dvojnih tajnih sodelavcev. V nalogi nam bodo vodilo v nadaljevanju postavljene hipoteze, ki se na podlagi vseh pridobljenih podatkov tudi potrdi ali ovrže. Na koncu naloge se predstavijo tudi kompetence SWOT analize dvojnih tajnih sodelavcev.


obveščevalno-varnostna dejavnost;obveščevalne službe;tajno sodelovanje;tajni sodelavci;dvojni tajni sodelavci;kompetence;SWOT analiza;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Kop]
UDC: 351.746.1(043.2)
COBISS: 3746026 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1731
Downloads: 160
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Double secret agent
Secondary abstract: Secret services have regarding their relationship towards the state souvereignity different meaning. With their activity they are able to increase political stability of the system or on thecontrary, causeitsdecay. Intelligence security services have a huge impact on political, military, economical and security policy of a state. Their efficiency is crucial, and so are their associates, operators, who need to do the tough work in order to get the necesseary data for their activity. We will present the intelligence security activity and the process of intelligence cicle. In the master thesis there will be also a presentation of secret service, secret agents, gathering secret agents and different kinds of secret agents. Secret data will be sorted, different kinds of secret data and the way of gathering those data are going to be examined. The thesis presents double agents. For better understandig of their activity, all the above mentioned stuff is going to be described. Since the accessable literatur on double agents and combinations is scarce, the SWOT analysis on competency of doubl eagents is going to be performed. In the thesis we will be lead by a placed hypothesis based on the gathered data, which is then according to them going to be confirmed or declined. At the end of the thesis also the competence of the SWOT anaylsis of the double agents is going to be performed.
Secondary keywords: Intelligence security activity;competence;secret service activity;double agent;SWOT analysis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 69 str.
ID: 11201595
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