delo diplomskega projekta
Melisa Benkovič (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Strojno učenje (angl. Machine Learning), ogromne količine podatkov (angl. Big Data) in internet stvari (angl. Internet of Things) danes niso več tujke, ampak predstavljajo način življenja, pri katerem se integracija umetne inteligence (angl. Artificial Intelligence) s sistemi, kot je ERP, izkazuje kot odlično orodje pri avtomatizaciji procesov podjetij. Umetna inteligenca omogoča mnoge inovacije, večjo produktivnost in rast podjetja v gospodarstvu. V nastajajočem »inteligentnem podjetju« bo umetna inteligenca znotraj ERP sistemov vodila temeljne poslovne procese, zaposlenim pa bo omogočeno, da se osredotočijo na kakovostnejše delo. Umetna inteligenca kot del ERP sistemov odpira vprašanja o pozitivnih spremembah in spremembah, ki v zaposlenih vzbujajo strah njihove nadomestljivosti z umetno inteligenco. V prvem delu diplomskega projekta smo se posvetili proučevanju ERP sistemov in v njem opredelili njihov razvoj, vrste in module. Proučili smo tudi najmočnejše ponudnike ERP sistemov in trende za prihodnost. V tem delu smo prav tako definirali pomen umetne inteligence, kako se je razvijala in katere vrste ter koncepte poznamo. Opredelili smo tudi njene ponudnike in trende, ki jih napovedujejo za prihodnost. V nadaljevanju smo povezali vse pridobljeno znanje o ERP sistemih in umetni inteligenci in se posvetili področjem, na katerih umetna inteligenca spreminja ERP sisteme. Drugi del diplomskega projekta smo namenili sistemoma Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in SAP S/4HANA. Sistema smo opisali in opredelili področja uporabe umetne inteligence znotraj njiju. Definirali smo tudi, kakšne načrte razvoja umetne inteligence imata podjetji Microsoft in SAP za svoja sistema v prihodnjih letih. Po preučitvi posameznih sistemov smo izvedli primerjavo področij uporabe umetne inteligence znotraj sistemov in podali primere izboljšav.


umetna inteligenca;informacijski sistemi;ERP;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Benkovič]
UDC: 004.8
COBISS: 13478940 Link will open in a new window
Views: 944
Downloads: 191
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Artificial intelligence as a part of ERP systems
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, Machine Learning, Big Data and Internet of Things are no longer foreign, because they represent a way of life, where the integration of Artificial intelligence and ERP systems proves to be an excellent tool for automatization of processes in companies. Artificial intelligence allows many innovations, greater productivity and business growth in economy. In the emerging "intelligent company", Artificial intelligence within the ERP systems, will lead to fundamental business processes and employees will be enabled to focus on quality work. Artificial intelligence as a part of ERP systems, raises questions about positive changes and changes that cause fear in employees because of their substitutability through Artificial intelligence. In the first part of the thesis project, we devoted ourselves to the study of ERP systems, where we defined their development, types and modules. We also examined the strongest providers of ERP systems and trends for the future. In this part, we also defined the importance of Artificial intelligence, how it evolved and what types and concepts we know. We have also identified its providers and trends that are predicted for the future. In the following, we have linked all the acquired knowledge of ERP systems and Artificial intelligence and devoted ourselves to areas in which Artificial intelligence is changing ERP systems. The second part of the thesis project was dedicated to ERP systems Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and SAP S/4HANA. We described them and defined the scope of Artificial intelligence within these two systems. We also defined plans of Microsoft and SAP for the development of Artificial intelligence in their systems for the upcoming years. After examining individual systems, we compared the areas of applications of Artificial intelligence within the systems and provided examples of improvements.
Secondary keywords: Artificial intelligence;ERP systems;Business Central;SAP S/4HANA;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 62 f.
ID: 11202790
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