Rade Kisić (Author)


Prošlo je pola veka od znamenitog »celiva mira« koji su razmenili papa Pavle VI i vaseljenski patrijarh Atinagora u Jerusalimu 1964. godine i time otvorili »dijalog ljubavi«. U tom duhu 1979. godine otpočela je sa radom »Zajednička komisija za teološki dijalog između Rimokatoličke i Pravoslavne Crkve«, čiji rezultat rada predstavljaju značajni dokumenti. Poslednji od tih dokumenata, Ravenski (2007), proglašen je velikim korakom napred u odnosima dvaju Crkava. Međutim, različita recepcija ovog dokumenta i nejedinstvo pravoslavnih po pitanju njegovog prihvatanja izneli su na svetlo stare sukobe i podele. Najveći izazov pred kojim trenutno stoji dijalog jeste zajedničko određenje cilja, odnosno postizanje konsenzusa o suštinskim ekliosiološkim načelima. U tom pogledu bi od velike pomoći moglo biti istraživanje primenjivosti i ograničenja principa »jedinstvo u različitosti« kao i »hijerarhije istina« i pojma ikonomije. Za napredak dijaloga značajno bi bilo njegovo širenje na sve oblasti crkvenog života. Unutrašnja teološka kretanja u obe Crkve predstavljaće takođe važan faktor u budućem razvoju pravoslavno-rimokatoličkog dijaloga.


ekumenski dialog;pravoslavje;katoliška Cerkev;


Language: Serbian (cirilic)
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
UDC: 27-675:271
COBISS: 10291971 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2335-4127
Parent publication: Edinost in dialog
Views: 370
Downloads: 184
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Perspectives of the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue
Secondary abstract: Half a century has passed since Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I greeted each other with a »kiss of peace.« This act that occurred in Jerusalem in 1964 opened the door for a »dialogue of love.« In that spirit, »The Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church« was established in 1979 and produced important documents. The last of these documents, Ravenna (2007), was a major step forward in the relations between the two Churches. However, the different receptions of this document and disunity within Orthodoxy with regard to the acceptance of the document have brought to light old conflicts and divisions. At this moment, the greatest challenge the dialogue faces is the common determination of the aim i.e. achieving the consensus on essential ecclesiological principles. Regarding that, the exploration of the applicability and limitations of the principles »unity in diversity,« »hierarchy of truths,« and the term »oikonomia,« could be very significant. In order to improve the dialogue, it should be expanded to all spheres of church life. Inner theological movements in both Churches will also be an important factor in the future development of the Orthodox-Roman Catholic dialogue.
Secondary keywords: dialogue;commission;primacy;unity;reception;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 39-50
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ70
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1/2
Chronology: 2015
ID: 11203495