(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Patrik Kogoj (Author), Peter Grilc (Mentor)


Odškodninska tožba je instrument, s katerim posamezniki uveljavijo pravico do odškodnine v primeru kršitve konkurenčnega prava (bodisi prava Evropske unije ali nacionalnega prava). Ta je eden od dveh spektrov uveljavljanja konkurenčnega prava, imenovan zasebno uveljavljanje kršitve konkurenčnega prava. V slednjem s sodnim varstvom svoje pravice uveljavljajo posamezniki, ki nastopajo kot pravne ali fizične osebe. Drugi spekter tega področja je javno uveljavljanje kršitve konkurenčnega prava, pri čemer kršitve sankcionira javna oblast. V Republiki Sloveniji je kot organ javne oblasti pristojna Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za varstvo konkurence. Magistrsko delo opisuje potek zasebnega uveljavljanja kršitve konkurenčnega prava. Njegov osrednji namen je, omogočiti vsem oškodovancem, ki so škodo utrpeli zaradi kršitve pravil konkurenčnega prava, povrnitev tako nastale škode. Delo opisuje in analizira postopek pred vložitvijo tožbe, vložitev tožbe, s kršitvijo povezano zbiranje tožbenega oziroma dokaznega gradiva in odločitve sodišča o višini škode.


zasebno uveljavljanje;omejevalni sporazumi;zloraba prevladujočega položaja;kršitev konkurenčnega prava;omejevanje konkurence;odškodnine;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [P. Kogoj]
UDC: 347.7:339.13(043.2)
COBISS: 16887121 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1039
Downloads: 261
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Action for infringement of European Union's competition law or national competition law after a final decision by the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency
Secondary abstract: An action for damages is an instrument whereby individuals exercise the right to compensation in the event of a breach of competition law (either the EU or national law). This is one of the two spectrums of competition law enforcement addressed as private enforcement of a violation of competition law. In the latter, legal rights are exercised by individuals acting as legal or natural persons. The second spectrum of this area of law is a public enforcement of a violation of competition law, where violations are sanctioned by a public authority. In the Republic of Slovenia, such a public authority is the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency. The master's thesis describes the course of private enforcement of a competitive infringement. Its main purpose is to enable all persons suffering damages as a result of a breach of competition rules to indemnify the infringer for damage. The thesis describes and analyses the procedure before bringing an action, the bringing of an action itself, access to evidence, and the rest of the action proceedings before the court, including quantification of harm caused throughout anticompetitive practices.
Secondary keywords: private enforcement;restrictive agreements;abuse of a dominant position;infringement of competition law;restriction of competition;damages;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 55 f.
ID: 11205756